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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From:

    Comment No: 37210
    Date: 3/25/2011

    Comment Text:

    David Munsch
    1336 Fremont st
    Santa Clara, CA 95050-4735

    March 25, 2011

    David Stawick
    Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Three Lafayette Centre
    1155 21st Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20581

    Dear Mr. Stawick:

    Dear Mr. Secretary,
    You already know the reason I'm writing you. This is how I look at the situation. I was sent an email stating " this is how we get back at the big oil giants. Don't buy gas that is imported from the Middle East. Here is a list of foreign oil. Exxon, Mobil, Chevron and Shell import their oil from the Middle East. Then it stated that the USA gets a lot of oil from Canada, Mexico and more. So the greedy bastards raise their prices cause of the war. Ok I get that. But why would American gas companies raise their prices? Well I think because they can and no one is stoping them. So that email I got means nothing really. I mean what difference would it make when I'm trying to save money anyway? I don't care where my gas comes from. But they are all greedy! The oil companies alone could bring the economy back to life! But when they all have billions, they could give a crap, cause they know you need it. What if they raised prices to ten dollars a gallon? I mean you still have to get to work right? Could you imagine people staying home cause they can't afford to get to work? Then what? How long can we sit and wait before the USA just crumbles?


    David Munsch

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