Comment Text:
Coach Ken
98-1028 Oliwa Street
Aiea, HI 96701-1727
March 27, 2011
David Stawick
Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581
Dear Mr. Stawick:
Excessive speculation hurt the economy in 2008 and, once again, is harming the economy in 2011.
Please provide meaningful, effective speculative position limits without distortions caused by excessive speculation. In particular, I:
support the Commission s immediate adoption of spot-month speculative position limits; urge the Commission to adopt effective back-month levels that will accomplish the legislative purpose of curbing excessive speculation; urge the Commission to adopt single-month limits that are no higher than two-thirds of the all-months-combined levels; urge the Commission immediately to adopt a position-accountability regime for the nonspot months in place of its proposed position-visibility rule; and urge the Commission to adopt lower speculative position limits for passive, long-only traders.
Time is of the essence, and I urge you to act quickly. Our pocketbooks and the broader economy depend on it. We are being held hostage by our addiction to fossil fuels. Please institute mandatory curbs to remove the deal rigging and gaming of our transportation and defense interests. It's up to you to do what's right for us NAVY civilians. Thank you in advance for your time and efforts. Hopefully, one day, I could coach your children when the cost of getting to practice and games is much more reasonable since most of us are just volunteers.
Coach Ken