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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Laurie Judd

    Comment No: 3646
    Date: 1/24/2010

    Comment Text:

    Laurie Judd
    Sunday, January 24, 2010 11:00 PM
    forex trading, retail conditions.
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am writting with concern re the proposed changes being considered for the forex retail trading market,
    in particular the adjustments proposed to the leverage requirements.
    Please take account that there is already an extraordinary system and asset in place. By that I mean it
    allows the free market system to operate and be open to all.
    Yes I believe that the skill levels required to use forex successfully takes years of training and is with
    out doubt possibly the most differcult profession to learn and survive, there for it is vital to allow
    trainees as well as fully accomplished to have access to live and real systems without harsh entry
    Never forget that all derivatives trading, forex included are instruments designed as an insurance action
    for all business to enter if they wish to do so.
    As part of that system, intermediatry,small and sole traders have a part to play in balancing out the
    normal future business rythems, it is vital they do, to lesson extremes and keep the system honest and
    open to account.
    My concern is that in this modern world a very very small percentage of business and for that matter the
    public knows little about the use and action of these instruments to protect there assets.
    The instruments are not at fault, it is the lack of knowledge and unwarrented fear brought about by the
    lack of understanding that needs to be addressed.
    Remember USA has the finest and best business systems in the world, all brought about by technology,
    asset protection and free enterprize. So make little adjustments only as it will have very big implications.
    So for me I ask that you do not make any adjustments to the already excellent legislation as it will only
    serve to block the entrence for the decent young and very enterprising, in other words our future.
    Thankyou for your attention to my request.
    Bruny Island resident,
    Laurie Judd.