Comment Text:
March 23, 2011
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
1155 21st Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20581
The Honorable Gary Gensler
The Honorable Michael Dunn
The Honorable Jill Sommers
The Honorable Bart Chilton
The Honorable Scott O’Malia
Dear Members of the Commission:
To be in the position of establishing what is just and right for all interests, both
public and private, is indeed a daunting task. It requires the greatest use of wisdom
and discernment. But it also requires great courage and boldness, for not all will be
pleased with any rendering you decide.
As a pastor and law enforcement chaplain for 30 years, I have had my share
of renderings which influenced not the material fortunes of individuals, but the course
and direction of human life, both temporal and eternal. Whether drug addiction, divorce, abuse, loss of direction or loss of life - the counsel given was always with great thought and prayer. I knew my words and actions would be weighed in the balance by those who would listen. My personal decisions were always as follows:
How am I governed by the laws of God and man?
How should my experience and conscience guide me?
What is in the best interests of all concerned?
If my rendering favors some interests over others, am I on solid ground both
morally and legally? If so, then it is therefore my duty to stand firm in my decision,
though opposition may come.
May I encourage you in your God-appointed duties to choose wisdom, honor, discretion and courage to guide you above all other influences. May your legacy as
leaders be revered by all who seek these qualities as the very definition of “decisions
Yours truly,
D. Patrick Herrell