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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Susan Kelly

    Comment No: 3282
    Date: 1/23/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected]
    Saturday, January 23, 2010 1:59 PM
    Public Submission for 2010-00456
    Public Submission for
    Please refer to the attached file.Please Do Not Reply This Email.
    Public Comments on Regulation of Off-Exchange Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions and
    Title: Regulation of Off-Exchange Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions and Intermediaries
    FR Document Number: 2010-00456
    Legacy Document ID:
    RIN: null
    Publish Date: Wed Jan 20 00:00:00 EST 2010
    Submitter Info:
    first name Susan
    last_name Kelly
    address1 119 Measowcroft Drive
    city Lancaster
    country United States
    us state PA
    zip 17603
    I am a private individual who for the past three years has diligently studied and trained to be a
    forex trader for my own LLC. With the economy shifting and then taking a down turn I knew it
    was time to get re-trained and found a career that I greatly enjoy and that is forex trading. I
    am finally at the point where all of that time and training are just beginning to pay off thus I
    wanted to let you know of my distress in hearing of this change in leverage reduction.
    The effort, time and capital that one personally has to apply to get the skills necessary to
    trade forex is easily equivalent to getting a college education and yet there are not tuition
    breaks or any help to achieve this but sacrifice on the parts of our families in time and a great
    deal of money. When we start to trade forex we are akin to those freshly graduated from
    college and our resources are limited until such time has passed that we have been able to
    successfully apply the knowledge and experience we have gained to the forex world.
    That is why at this critical point in my forex career and in the overall economy, opportunities
    should not be reduced or limited to such a degree that it destroys this career option entirely. I
    feel that reducing the leverage will rob me of this chance to make all of my hard work and
    family sacrifices pay off.
    I am urging you strongly not to take this opportunity from me and others by reducing the
    amount of leverage such that we cannot support our families trading forex but leave it as it
    presently is which allows us the chance to do so.
    Thank you for your time and consideration in hearing me out and I will await your decision in
    this matter.