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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: steve lin

    Comment No: 31484
    Date: 3/10/2011

    Comment Text:

    To the commission.

    It is clear from your actions that you will not enforce the law, nor protect free markets.
    The ongoing so called "investigation" in the silver market has yielded nothing, yet commissioner Bart Chilton has already told us that the market is manipulated.
    This is a crime in progress under your protection.
    For the benefit of the few (JPMorgan, HSBC), to the detriment of all market participants and free markets.
    It is a shame.
    But the information is spreading. You will find yourselves having to explain why you protected criminal activity for so long. Akin to the Madoff story.
    The country and the citizen who pay your salaries deserve better and ask you to implement the law. PLease impose position limits, like 1500 contracts in silver. Long and Short.
    Please do so for the benefit of this wonderful country, against the fraudsters (JPMorgan).
    Thank you and God bless.

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