Comment Text:
Sherri Taylor
Monday, January 18, 2010 10:08 AM
Regulation of Retail Forex
I have always been a believer in the government and its intent until recent months. And now, I read that there is a push to
limit retail account leverage on Forex to 10:1. While I could likely write a dissertation on the subject, I will simply say that
limiting leverage is taking away the ability of the average joe, who is willing to study and work hard, to have their piece of
the American dream - financial security. People can gamble their money away in casinos without someone standing over
them dictating what they can risk. As an adult, it should be my choice, as long as I am made full?" aware of the consequences
of said actions. While I support having institutions be registered, the rest of the currency market trading rules and limits
should be left as-is.
Thank you for your time and consideration.