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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: David Bilyeu

    Comment No: 2965
    Date: 1/22/2010

    Comment Text:

    david bilyeu
    Friday, January 22, 2010 7:04 PM
    dave Bilyeu
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Re: RIN 3038-AC61
    It has come to my attention that proposed regulation may have made a bad
    situation worse. The most shocking proposai is:
    "to collect security deposits in a minimum amount in order to
    prudentiaiiy iimit the ieverage to their
    customers on such
    transactions at 10 to 1."
    I, as a taxpayer and a govt. contractor (in Iraq), have a serious
    probiem with this so-caiied "safety" reguiation. The way I see it, this
    wiii oniy continue the economicai bieeding o~ the US economy. In so doing,
    this wiii cause many investors...both smaii and puii their ~unds
    out o~ any/aii US Forex brokers and taking their accounts overseas. Doing
    so wiii cause many smaii/medium Forex brokers to either reduce sta~,
    increase ~ees, or go out o~ business. This wiii aiso increase the
    unempioyment rate, which is aiready high within the ~inanciai worid.
    Not saying that I would consider evading my income grom the IRS, but
    since most overseas brokerages do not ogger 1099's, this will require more
    labor/time/money grom IRS agents to track these overseas investors to recoup
    taxes, who choose not to report said income.
    Bottom line: We all already are warned by each Forex Brokerages about
    the leveraged risk we take with our own gunds. Let us take this risk!!! Ig
    we loose our gunds, we only have ourselves to blame. Stop treating us like
    babies and let us take responsibility got our own actions
    David Bilyeu
    Forex Investor
    Kansas...via Iraq