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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Greg Waitt

    Comment No: 2812
    Date: 1/22/2010

    Comment Text:

    Greg Waitt
    Friday, January 22, 2010 3:44 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex - RIN 3038-AC61
    Dear CFTC Secretary,
    I wanted to voice my VERY STRONG disapproval regarding R1N 3038-AC61,
    which involves the current CFTC movement to reduce maximum forex market
    trading leverages from the current 100:1 level down to a 10:1 level.
    First of all, your approach to correct the problem of greedy brokers
    and market makers is, in typical myopic government agency fashion,
    aimed at the wrong party...the small traders of this country. In
    knee-jerk fashion, the CFTC is punishing the innocent on behalf of the
    crimes of the guilty. This move, if adopted, will NOT affect the deep
    pockets of corrupt Wall Street traders from firms like Goldman Sachs or
    their cronies one single IOTA. This move will ONLY affect the small
    traders in this country (like ME!) who have very LITTLE effect, if any,
    on the overall prices and liquidity available in the multi-trillion
    dollar foreign exchange markets. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop penalizing
    the CITIZENS of the United States of America who are trying any legal
    way we can to recover from the RAPE AND PILLAGE we have once again
    experienced at the slimy hands of Wall Street Bankers and insider
    The big Wall Street traders and firms will laugh at your implementation
    of this policy and the small traders trying to make a personal living
    will be crushed if we don't have enough capital to meet these very
    difficult trading requirements. This will only make for an uneven
    playing field which will just give further unfair advantage to the big
    boys in the market. It will NOT solve ANY of the problems we, the
    public, face in the markets. Please look at developing more
    constructive and proactive rules which focus on making the market a
    more SECURE place for traders, rather than trying to eliminate small
    participants in the market. We as traders are fully aware of the risks
    of leverage and we do NOT need you to babysit us. What we are NOT happy
    about is unscrupulous brokers and market makers who can internally
    manipulate market prices within their in-house trading client
    communities due to the highly UNregulated pricing of forex pairs. This
    would be a much more worthwhile focus for your efforts...making sure
    that TRUE interbank pricing is available for ALL forex market
    By the way, your crackdown on the minimum capitalization requirements
    for FCM's was a GOOD thing. Those are the kind of constructive
    regulations that are welcome and beneficial to the markets and their
    Thank you for your attention.
    Greg Waitt
    Small Investor/Trader