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Comment for Proposed Rule 76 FR 4752

  • From: Curt W Ensign
    New West Home

    Comment No: 28100
    Date: 2/23/2011

    Comment Text:

    There are pivotal moments in history when people are placed in extremely difficult positions and are challenged to do the right thing despite enormous pressure exerted from powerful forces to maintain the status quo. You happen to be in such a position. The truth of the ongoing precious metals manipulation is apparent to all, and you have the power to correct what those before you have been unable to do by imposing strict position limits on precious metals traders. Regardless of your actions, the market will eventually impose it's unrelenting discipline and bring prices in line and historians will record the truth. Future generations of Americans will know the truth, because the truth always eventually finds the light of day. The only question is will the restoration of free market forces be brought about by your actions or will you yield to the intrenched banking establishment and turn a blind eye as they continue to pick the pockets of the small individual investor. The recent backwardation in silver is the canary in the coal mine calling out for you to take action. Your failure to act and create meaningful position limits will lead to a real market shortage in the physical metals and create a price spike that will send panic across the globe. This can be avoided, but you must make the difficult choice and do the right thing. Thank you and God bless.

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