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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Daniel Shinnick

    Comment No: 2676
    Date: 1/22/2010

    Comment Text:

    Daniel Shinnick
    Friday, January 22, 2010 12:03 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Mr. Secretary,
    Good day to you. I am writing regarding Proposal number RIN 3038-AC61 which it is my understanding
    proposes among other things:
    Require the registration of counterparties offering retail foreign currency contracts as either futures
    commission merchants (FCMs) or retail foreign exchange dealers (RFEDs).
    2. Persons who solicit orders, exercise discretionary trading authority and operate pools with respect to retail
    forex would also be required to register.
    As was the case prior to the passage of the Farm Bill, "otherwise regulated" entities such as financial
    institutions and SEC-registered brokers or dealers remain able to serve as counterparties in such
    transactions under the oversight of their primary regulators.
    The proposed regulations also include financial requirements designed to ensure the financial integrity of firms
    engaging in retail forex transactions and robust customer protections.
    FCMs and RFEDs would be required to maintain net capital of $20 million plus 5% of the amount, if any,
    by which liabilities to retail forex customers exceed $10 million.
    5. Leverage in retail forex customer accounts would be subject to a 10-to-1 limitation.
    All retail forex counterparties and intermediaries would be required to distribute forex-specific risk
    disclosure statements to customers, and comply with comprehensive recordkeeping and reporting
    I've taken these point directly from the CFTC release posted on the website and mean only to address those things
    specifically mentioned therein. I support the majority of these regulations in principle including the registration
    of counterparties as FCM's and/or RFEDs (pts 1-3), the maintenance of capital (pt 4) though to what level, I defer
    to those more knowledgeable. The requirement of dissemination of information regarding forex-specific risk
    (pt6) I also support as there does exist a sizable amount of risk.
    However I take issue with Point 5, the limitation on leverage to 10:1. I can only speak for myself but such a limit
    will manifestly change the nature of the market not just for the broker but also for the clients of which I am one.
    It will in effect place investments beyond my personal reach and as such shut me out of the market all together.
    As a responsible investor I have done all the due diligence in learning about the risks involved with trading the
    forex market. I have investigated the background of my broker on your website, made certain they are register as
    a Futures Merchant and studied trading at length. Though to my knowledge they are not mandated to do so fx
    dealers almost universally offer free practice accounts. This is an invaluable tool to this kind of study and it is
    vital in my opinion. To be sure FX trading is not something to be engaged in by the undisciplined but minimum
    margin account balances such as would become mandatory under the 10:1 leverage regulation are no guarantee of
    discipline. They do however guarantee exclusive access to the market by those of means. When the market itself
    offers an avenue to success for those possessing the proper discipline to limit it's access to only a few would be
    That is what I believe the regulation seeks to establish with its 10:1 leverage requirement. Some assurance of the
    quality of the investor. As such, I would support mandatory offering of the practice account perhaps even a
    minimum number of practice trades. But I cannot support a regulation that will in effect make my continued
    learning and appreciation of this highly disciplined practice less tangible and success less achievable. I encourage
    you to let the investor decide his or her own mind about the risks they are willing to accept.
    Dan Shinnick
    GIS & IT Services Manager
    3 Centennial Drive
    Suite 350
    Peabody, MA 01960
    www.geovantage, com
    o. 978-538-6400 x 113
    m. 781-608-9985
    dr shinnick@geovantage, com