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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 75728

  • From: Kimberly M Kahl
    Former whistle-blower in the Anti-Kick back investigation, an Former whistle-blower in the ENRON investigation.

    Comment No: 26654
    Date: 12/7/2010

    Comment Text:

    First I am MUTE due to Parkinson's Disease (cervical dystonia.) So if you must call leave an email address so I can contact you back. I feel extremely qualified to comment on the portion of these proposed rule. I was a Whistle-Blower back in 1985 before there were whistle-blower laws. I turned in two Government Supervisors whom were taking kick-backs on a government contract. The results of my disclosures were the recovery of $516,000.00 out of a $21 M dollar budget. I was down graded and moved to the basement next to a chemical storage unit. My second disclosure was in 2002, when right after 911 I transported the accounting evidence of ENRON to Washington, DC for the FBI. The agency I was working for GSA, knew I was whistle-blowing and set in motion various tasks where-by I would either have been removed for failure to preform an assigned task in my job description or disobey a supervisory instruction. This after being crushed by a malfunctioning handcap door resulting in 6 months of physical therapy to relearn how to walk. The results of my disclosure in the ENRON matter was my removal from federal service, even though I tried to apply for various positions at my former agency. I did not receive any of the funds recovered in the ENRON investigation, even though $11 B of the $19.8 B dollars was recovered. I have asked several time for help from various agencies. Including witness protection for disclosures regarding Drug Enforcement Disclosures, but to no avail. After I was removed from service I continued to whistle-blow even warning the FBI regarding the planned mortage failure of the US banking system. They didn't listen and FannyMae and FreddyMac failed bringing about the AIG crisis and the ressission we are currently experiencing. I lost my house in 2005, because I had lost my job in 2003, I was able to with 24 yrs of federal experience to get my B/A in Interdisciplinary Studies from Governors State University. Even though during my goverment service I had accumulated a certificate for managing a Unit Budget from the USDA, and multiple computer administrator certificates in CTOS, DOS, NT, WIN 95, WIN98 and Novell. I am also privy to various computer programs which are inherant to and propritary to the Federal Government. I am told I cannot use any of my government knowledge for outside employment. So effectively my whistle-blowing has rendered me unemployable. That along with the muteism siverly restricts my employment options. Currently our nation is faced with a growing economic crisis and without whistle-blowers like my self who put themselves in harms way to help the government of the US recover funds our economic out-look would be even bleeker. If your intention is to limit the recovery of funds paid to whistle-blowers, then you need to be sure the whistle-blowers are allowed some type of recovery free of the harrasment, ridicule and are given some portion of the recovered funds. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on these proposed rules.

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