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Public Comments on Business Affiliate Marketing and Disposal of Consumer Information Rules:========
Title: Business Affiliate Marketing and Disposal of Consumer Information Rules
FR Document Number: 2010-26893
Legacy Document ID:
RIN: null
Publish Date: Wed Oct 27 00:00:00 EDT 2010
Submitter Info:
first_name Akosua
last_name Agyeman
address1 PO Box 4074
city Naperville
country United States
us_state IL
zip 60567
company just a concerned citizen.
I whole-heartedly support the CFTC to vote on the proposed regulation providing more privacy protection for the American people and their personal information from companies that are under the authority of the CFTC. In fact, I think believe the commission should go one step further and investigate how the companies obtain their information, if not freely given by the consumer. There is already the threat of identity theft and fraud by common criminals. I feel these businesses aren?t any better than the common criminals. I believe the consumer should have a right and say as to who receives their personal information, especially companies they have never even been in contact with before. This issue being solved by giving consumers an opt-out is brilliant. Moreover, regulation is also enforcing these corporations into developing and implementing a written program and procedures for the proper disposal of consumer information. I will not let my mind go wild with the ideas and possibilities that my personal information was incorrectly and irresponsibly thrown away somewhere in a plastic bag that anyone in the free world can now access. We as a whole can breathe a collective sigh of relief once this bill has been passed and the information monger companies are put into their places by the CFTC.