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Public Comments on Antidisruptive Practices Authority Contained in Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act:========
Title: Antidisruptive Practices Authority Contained in Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
FR Document Number: 2010-27547
Legacy Document ID:
RIN: null
Publish Date: Tue Nov 02 00:00:00 EDT 2010
Submitter Info:
first_name Emilie
last_name Lauran
address1 PO Box 488
city Mammoth Lakes
country United States
us_state CA
zip 93546
Dear Sir or Madame,
One of the things that law-makers need to realize is that the banks themselves are highly disruptive at this time. They are so afraid of their own demise that they cling desperately to anyone's high-value account that is already in their bank.
Try to help someone move their 100 million dollars to create jobs. It can't be done. The banks always find a new reason why one more form, one more delay, one more banker's daughter with cancer, one more death in the family, one more lawyer in a car crash, one more impossible task is all that's needed before they [high-value 'clients'] can move their funds. It never happens. I'm not talking excessive beaurocracy. I am talking devious delay.
This attitude is preventing the creation of millions of jobs.The banks themselves are completely toxic and disruptive to capitilism at this point.
Thank you for your consideration of this troubling reality.
Sincerely, E.L.