Comment Text:
Bob Wolfe
Saturday,June26,20105:24 PM
How dareyou continuethis fraud
As we have gone from 20% speculative trading to 60% speculative trading by non commercial
producers and the number of contacts have multiplied from millions to trillions and the positions and
price effect are not even known because
of the freedom to pretend that ICe usa trades are somehnow
under london rules you have alilowed the futures market, especailly energy to become one of the
darkest and most price influential forms of trade in trading history. That these large OTC trades are not
cleared transparently they cannot be regulated and we, the 300 mililion in america who use energy are
at the mercy of a secret market that must be regulated. Even margins on these futures are as low as
six%. Six percent?! How can you allow the CFTC to continue this practice and expect anything to
change in the form of manipulation of oil, food, and other commodoties that the world depends on for
survival. These energy and food commodoties have not even been explained or debated. You must
regulate all commodoty trading, especially the size of postitions by the monster banks and their
subsidia ries.