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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 33198

  • From: Stuart J Kaswell
    Managed Funds Association (MFA)

    Comment No: 23201
    Date: 7/6/2010

    Comment Text:

    Han, Jennifer
    Tuesday, July 6, 2010 4:37 PM
    secretary ; colocation
    Kaswell, Stuart
    Co-location/Proximity Hosting Services
    CFTC co-location.7.7.10.pdf
    Dear Mr. Stawick,
    Managed Funds Association appreciates the opportunity to submit the attached letter in response
    Commission's request for comments on its Co-location/Proximity Hosting Services proposal.
    Please feel free to contact me if you have comments or questions.
    Jennifer Han
    I Assistant
    General Counsel I [email protected]
    MANAGED FUNDS ASSOCIATION I 2025 M Street, NW, Suite 610 I Washington, DC 20036
    main 202.367.1140 I fax 202.367.2140
    The Voice of the Global Alternative Investment Industry.
    Register for M FA's Outlook 2010, October 7-8, 2010, The Pierre Hotel, New York. 6, 2010
    Via Electronic Mail: [email protected]
    David A. Stawick
    U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    1155 21st Street, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20581
    Co-location/Proximity Hosting Services
    Dear Mr. Stawick:
    Managed Funds Association (“MFA”)1 appreciates the opportunity to comment on the
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (“CFTC” or “Commission”) proposed rulemaking on
    “Co-Location/Proximity Hosting Services” (the “Proposed Rule”). 2
    MFA fully supports the
    Commission’s efforts to require equal access to co-location and/or proximity hosting services
    without artificial barriers designed to exclude some market participants. MFA feels strongly that
    co-location and/or proximity hosting is a critical component to low latency technology which
    should be available to market participants that pay for this service. We support the Proposed
    Rule and provide some minor comments for the Commission’s consideration.
    MFA suggests an interpretative clarification with respect to the Proposed Rule’s
    provision on “Fees”. The Commission states that it seeks to ensure that fees charged by market
    participants and third-party proximity hosting services remain equitable and do not become an
    artificial barrier to effective market access.3 The Commission further states that “an equitable fee
    would be a uniform, non-discriminatory set of fees for the various services provided”.4
    believe the Commission should also clarify that in providing a “uniform” fee, a co-location
    provider that offers any type of fee break or fee-reduction incentives must make the same offer
    available to all similarly situated customers.
    In response to the Commission’s request for comments on the disclosure of latency
    information, MFA suggests that the Proposed Rule require Designated Contract Markets,
    Derivatives Transaction Execution Facilities and Exempt Commercial Markets that list significant
    price discovery contracts to publish latency percentiles (e.g., 10th, 20th, 30th, . . . , 90th, 95th,
    1 MFA is the voice of the global alternative investment industry. Its members are professionals in hedge
    funds, funds of funds and managed futures funds, as well as industry service providers. Established in 1991,
    MFA is the primary source of information for policy makers and the media and the leading advocate for
    sound business practices and industry growth. MFA members include the vast majority of the largest hedge
    fund groups in the world who manage a substantial portion of the approximately $1.5 trillion invested in
    absolute return strategies. MFA is headquartered in Washington, D.C., with an office in New York.
    2 75 FR 33198 (June 11, 2010).
    3 75 FR 33200.
    4 Id. Mr. Stawick
    July 6, 2010
    Page 2 of 2
    99th percentile latency) for each connectivity option rather than the longest, shortest and average
    latencies. MFA believes that such latency statistics would provide market participants with more
    granular metrics for comparing latency across markets and marketplaces.
    We would be happy to discuss our comments or any of the issues raised by the Proposed
    Rule at greater length with the Commission or its staff. If staff has any questions, please do not
    hesitate to call Jennifer Han or the undersigned at (202) 367-1140.
    Respectfully Submitted,
    /s/ Stuart J. Kaswell
    Stuart J. Kaswell
    Executive Vice President & Managing Director,
    General Counsel
    The Honorable Chairman Gary Gensler
    The Honorable Commissioner Michael Dunn
    The Honorable Commissioner Bart Chilton
    The Honorable Commissioner Jill Sommers
    The Honorable Commissioner Scott O’Malia
    Mr. Stephen Sherrod, Acting Director of Surveillance, Division of Market Oversight
    Mr. David P. Van Wagner, Chief Counsel, Division of Market Oversight