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Comment for Sunshine Act Sunshine Act Meeting: March 25, 2010

  • From: Jim Hunter

    Comment No: 23149
    Date: 4/8/2010

    Comment Text:

    20 I0-0,4-08 lO:
    P I/I
    From: SunComml@aol,com
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Fair i~ Falr...Please Regulale!
    Date: Thu, AprB, 2010 9:11 am
    To: The CFTC
    From: Jim Hunter, US Citizen, Broker Registered with The NFA
    Re: Position Limits and Hedge Exemptions Silver and Gold
    First, let me thank you for this opportunity to express my views to you, and, to you folks as Regulators, to hear, and
    consider my views.
    It is my opinion that you need to impose Strict limits on metals to offer a FAIR Trading. Place or Marketplace.
    We, the public, have had data from your own Bank Participation Report that for years now (at least 2 years) have data
    showing a FEW US Banks with positions (SHORT NET POSITIONS) of massive numbers.
    This concentration of this huge short open interest should not have been allowed to happen in the first the
    Public IS BEING HARMED by repeated "take-downs" in the price of Silver.
    Next: Hedge Exemptions..,l'm a Broker.,.in order for me to have a client deagnated as a "Hedger" I need to have the
    proper form filled out and on file, AND I need to be sure/certain that my clier~t IS IN FACT deserving of being classified as
    a hedger..,meaning that if he claims he Is a hedger for Soybeans, he better be raining Soybeans, OR have a Processing
    Plant crushing Soybeans.,,
    For a US BANK, an Asset is A LOAN,,,a liability is a DEPOSIT,,.They should not be able to claim a H~lge Exemption for
    Silver...they do not Mine Silver, nor do they need to buy silver for their Processing Plant, Photo Business, or Electronics
    Business.,.They are a Bank,.,a Bank should not be able to claim Hedge Exemption in Silver/Gold any more than I can...
    They are skirting the requirements, in my opinion, by claiming the~ Hedge exemptions...
    Finally, It is my opinion that il is your PURPOSE as a REGULATOR to Protect the Public, and Enforce laws, limits, and
    practices by traders, broker~, and companies using the MARKETPLACE,
    It has come to PUBLIC LIGHT that manipulations have been and are going on in the Silver Pits and that this HAS BEEN
    BROUGHT TO YOUR ATTENTION both AFTER it has happened, and actually before it was about to happen in February
    of this year,
    I SINCERELY ASK you to Protect The Public by imposing Trading Position Limits in Gold and Silver,..The C,M,E., owner
    of The Comex, is NOT doing it's job,..manipulatlons are taking place under their oversight,.:Easy to see why when they
    get their revenues/profits from EACH CONTRACT TRADED on their exchange...So,,,It is up to you.,,The CFTC to do their
    job...Regulate.,.Stop The Manipulation, and Enforce and Fine and Suspend violators who are committing these
    manipulations AGAINST THE PUBLIC.
    Thank you again for taking my comments.
    Jim Hunter
    Florida, USA
    Email: ~ur)comml@aol corn
    Phone: 727-520-7668
    http ://webmail,!314 23-111iaol-1/en-us/mail/PrintMessage,aspx