Comment Text:
fmaier 1 @cox. net
Thursday, March 25, 2010 2:40 AM
Metals Hearing
Jason Hommel ; Ted Butler
Gold & Silver Manipulation - Gold & Silver Position Limits
Dear CFTC:
RE: Gold/Silver Position Limits
I am an honest gold and silver investor that does so on behalf of my 6 year old grandson that is blind, can not walk,
can not talk, has a trek in his throat, and suffers many other medical conditions. He only has my wife and I to
depend upon.
My wife and I are his grandparents and I am almost 60 years old, therefore our care for him will at some point be
limited and he will probably have to go to a nursing home.
After the last stock market crash in 2008 (and the previous ones) I do not dare participate in the stock market and
gamble my grandson's future of being able to live in a decent nursing home. I have yet to see any of the
responsible people for the crash put on trial.
Instead of repeat what Mr. Ted Butler and Mr. Jason Hommel have been writing about for years concerning the gold
and silver manipulation, I just reference them as I'm sure you are already familiar with them and their many articles.
I consider their articles factual and accurate.
I consider the manipulation a crime in process and ask that you do your job in stopping it for the folks like myself that
only ask for a fair playing field in the metals markets. Gold and silver position limits would be the honest thing to do.
We all make choices in life and all of us at some point regret some of the choices that we have made in the past. I
don't know how each of you can sleep at night knowing that you allow the manipulation to continue. It would be
better to resign and seek other employment than to be an active part of a crime that effects so many people,
including children as my grandson and his future living conditions.
If letting this crime continue doesn't bother you, then I must say I feel sorry for you and your non-compassion on
what this is doing to good and honest decent investment people. This kind of shame can follow you for many years
and bring shame to your family. All that I ask is that you be an honest person and do your job to the best of your
My grandson is depending on you being an honest person and doing the right thing with respect to gold and silver
position limits.
I pray you can sleep well at night and hold your head high with pride that you don't allow criminal activity.
I would welcome any comments from any of you.
Farrell Maier
4566 Willow Brook Lane
Edmond, OK 73034
(405) 315-7190 cell