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Comment for Sunshine Act Sunshine Act Meeting: March 25, 2010

  • From: Deaundrae Johnson

    Comment No: 22803
    Date: 3/26/2010

    Comment Text:

    deaundrae j ohnson
    March 26, 2010 5:50 PM
    Metals Hearing
    metals position limits
    To the CFTC:
    Regarding the Dire Necessity of Imposing Metals Position Limits on the Shorts
    it has been increasingly evident that the US government has been participating in market manipulation, when i see that the
    stock market has been down for much of the day then suddenly within the last 15-30mins of trading the market
    "mysteriously" goes on a bullish tear i get suspicious, when the DOW was under !0,000 a month ago and i see JPM buying
    to push the market higher i say "foul b all" (see http ://www. zerohedge, corn/article/thank -you-j pmorgan -must -see-j pms -etf-
    when mr. markopolos told the SEC that madoff was making profits that defied logic and nothing was done about it i say
    shame on the SEC. and now i find GATA evidence of emails to the CFTC exposing the PM JPM manipulation and still no
    change in policy; no indictments; no hearings; not so much as a stern look of disapproval.
    i have to come to either one of two conclusions, either the US government is either not as "talented" as the JPMs (major
    financial firms) and the madoffs (thieves) of this world or they are complicit and in fact colluding with these organizations to
    steal the wealth of its citizens who it is suppose to be protecting, in either case, the reason is UNACCEPTABLE. if I or any
    other "lunchbox joe" tried this sort of scheme we would immediately be indicted and promptly thrown in shackles, and yet i
    have seen no urgency to file civil if not criminal charges against any of these big name perpetrators, the sad part is you
    want people to believe in the markets; that they are safe and trustworthy so that private individuals such as myself will start
    investing again, well why would i invest with all this chicanery, tomfoolery, and flat out nonsense going on. there is no way
    these bullion banks have the amount of gold or silver
    they purport to be shorting, how about enforcing the rule of law against the JPMs of this world and maybe then we can
    collect the remnants of integrity we so desparately need in this country.
    Jesus is ALL!!!!