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Comment for Sunshine Act Sunshine Act Meeting: March 25, 2010

  • From: Timothy Effertz

    Comment No: 22749
    Date: 4/2/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected]
    Friday, April 2, 2010 10:12 AM
    metals position limits
    Timothy Effertz
    11600 20th Ave. S.E.
    Minot, ND 58701
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CTFC)
    RE: Meeting on March 26, 2010 metals position limits
    April 1, 2010.
    Members of the Commission:
    I have studied the metals market wondering why the big banks were
    being allowed to manipulate the metals market with impunity. I had
    presumed you were appointments carried right through changes in
    elected officials. You have had adequate time to question who
    with the metals and left us with less than 6% actual silver
    to back the paper silver. Your meeting on March 26 documents the
    fraud by the big banks, which have been rigging the silver price. It
    is time to fulfill your mission since you have been in charge a year now!
    I think the Commission is presently failing on each part of its
    mission. Such a situation is very like the derivative housing
    finance market that caused the economy to go into a mild recession
    recently. It amounts to a pyramid scheme wherein the first
    participants investing eventually are paid by the investment of those
    the bottom of the pyramid, and the first investors are the only
    ones to recover their investment. The original participants "Madoff"
    with the value invested by those who bought in later. Bernard Madoff
    left proportionally more equity than remains to protect the paper
    silver market. This situation is more egregious than the scheme of
    Social Security and Medicare, wherein no money remains in the fund to
    pay the benefits but the government is obligated to tax to pay the benefits.
    The result of the manipulation of the value of precious metals by our
    metals bankers/speculators through commodity futures manipulation
    allows the USDollar to appear to have more value than it does,
    leaving it likely to lose its value in only a few days once enough
    people and nations decide to move to a more secure investment
    currency or commodity. China and India are already moving that
    direction. The US government prints dollars to pay its obligations
    rather than tax us to keep solvent. The good faith and credit of the
    US is diluted with each additional dollar printed. Social benefits
    are increased based upon only the recognized inflation which is
    somewhere near 50% of real inflation. It makes the amount of our
    social benefits appear to increase in spite of the decrease in real10-005
    value paid. The buying po~ver of my disability benefits decreases
    every year because I am on the bottom of the pyramid.
    The CTFC has a fiduciary duty to prevent fraud by the big players in
    the futures market even if these speculators happen to be the best
    friends of the operators of the government. As a nation ~ve ~vill not
    be able to ~vithstand the crash of the USDollar in parallel ~vith the
    ensuing second lot of bank failures resulting from excessive
    commercial properties derivatives. The FDIC does not have the assets
    to cover the losses, and the USA ~vill again have to print more TARP
    money. The ensuing explosion of the pyramid scheme in the metals
    futures speculative market ~vill insure complete devaluation of the USDollar.
    You have a duty to find a solution that will allow the metal value of
    the USDollar to equate slowly to the non-manipulated value of
    physical metals. I would suggest that you insist on 20% metal backing
    of derivatives through 2010, and that the percent of metals backing
    derivatives be increased each six months by 10% until the derivatives
    are backed 80% by actual metals held. If the C TFC would show "good
    faith" it would support the dollar during the crash in the making,
    and possibly avert the crash. There will be economic pain for us all
    if we continue to enlarge the pyramid scheme, and we will be awarded
    equal pain if the CTFC causes an orderly transition away from
    derivatives in precious metals and other commodities. The difference
    will be whether the US as a nation will survive for our grandchildren.
    This is your golden opportunity to do your fiduciary duty to stop the
    fraud in the futures trading of derivatives. Manipulation of any
    market to control the perceived value is actual fraud. A derivative
    that promises to deliver a commodity that does not exist and cannot
    be delivered is actual fraud. Taking a profit by trading derivatives
    without owning the real commodities is constructive fraud. CFTC
    should act quickly to ban passive investment in the commodities
    derivatives markets. It might be advisable to require the big
    speculators to take actual delivery at least 50% of the trades.
    Alternatively, you have the tools to entirely separate the real
    silver market from the paper silver market, letting each market find
    a price separately. There are already separate prices for physical
    metals verses paper metals. Paper should sell for less because it is
    much less hassle than delivering and protecting real silver.
    The true buyers and receivers of commodities should set the price
    based upon supply and demand. Speculators add nothing towards
    determining a fair price, but they absorb the energy that should let
    the demand and supply set the price over the short term. Speculation
    causes the price of commodities to increase based upon loss of
    confidence in the USDollar causing the currency to inflate without
    being recognized by the skewed methods used by the government
    analysts. If the value of the dollar was based on the real value of
    commodities, it would be rock solid.
    I submit that you have knowledge of the fraud, and a fiduciary duty
    to fulfill your mission immediately before the poor performance of
    past commission members causes the metals derivative market to bring
    down our dollar and crash the world economy irrecoverably.
    You have a duty to bring the value of the dollar and the value of
    physical silver and other commodities slowly together to avert the10-005
    explosion of this pyramid scheme causing collapse of the world
    economy. Yes experts say the paper silver market will slowly move
    overseas, and the physical market will slowly move to the United
    States. Do we have to even consider which we would rather have to
    support the good faith and credit of the United States? At first
    paper silver and real silver will be competitive, and as we gather
    real silver and sell the paper silver the US will become more secure
    while the holders of the paper will decline.
    No, I have never lived in a real city, am I am not an economist, and
    I have no loans to pay. I live by the theory that it is not too
    important how much money I take in, but it is extremely important to
    control how much I spend. With that philosophy, our government could
    also be financially sound. My government is printing away my wealth
    by allowing the dollar to be diluted by derivatives. That amounts to fraud!
    With proper CTFC regulation you could cause the USDollar to be
    supported by actual commodities of all types, but you will have to
    expeditiously move the US away from derivatives towards physical
    commodities of any type. This is your time to get your 15 minutes of
    fame by saving the value of the USDollar and the world economy. You
    have real commodities to support our dollar, and you can replace the
    FED, which has no real commodity to back the currency. The FED relies
    upon the good faith and credit of the US, which is directly
    proportional to the real value of real commodities and property. You
    are charged with setting a fair price in dollars for those
    commodities, and you have failed by allowing derivatives to unfairly
    affect the dollar price of physical commodities on the exchange.
    Thank you.
    Timothy Effertz
    11600 20 Ave. SE
    Minot, ND 58701-2635