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Comment for Sunshine Act Sunshine Act Meeting: March 25, 2010

  • From: Donna Badach

    Comment No: 22745
    Date: 4/2/2010

    Comment Text:

    Friday, April 2, 2010 2:38 PM
    Metals Hearing
    FW: March 25, 2010 Hearings on Silver Manipulation and PM Positions
    [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
    Thursday, March 18, 2010 4:27 PM
    secretary; Gensler, Gary; Chilton, Bart
    March 25, 2010 Hearings on Silver Manipulation and PM Positions
    Dear Honorable Sirs:
    I again submit evidences and information written and compiled by Mr. Theodore Butler. I have copied and pasted
    his March 15, 2010, essay below, and as that this be made part of record on the hearing minutes and recordings.
    Mr. Butler, AGAIN, has put the final nail in the coffin and is right ON mark. Please read, consider and make this
    essay part of your considerations and adjudication respecting the illegal crime in progress in the Precious Metals
    Markets, especially silver, being committed by the 2-4 banks in question in collusion with the United States
    Treasury and the Federal Reserve. These shorts must be stopped, and punitive damages collected from these
    banks illegally shorting positions with the lions share Mr. Butler has produced evidence on. Any punitive
    damages must NOT pass to the taxpayers, and punitive damages MUST be judged to be a rule of law that this
    kind of behavior will never happen again. It is still an ongoing crime in progress, as i write.
    Thank you for your considerations and making this letter and Mr. Butler's 3/15/10 essay a part of record for the
    March 25, 2010 hearings before your Commission.
    As always, God bless you all in making the RIGHT decision and judgments on behalf of the Citizens of the United
    States of America.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Hillsboro Beach, FL
    Ph. 954-571-6799
    Here is the copy and paste of Mr. Butler's essay of March 15, 2010:
    Butler Research LLC.
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    March 15, 2010 - The Bottom of the Barrel?
    The Bottom of the Barrel?
    Recently, there have been significant withdrawals of metal from the big silver Exchange
    Traded Fund (ETF), SLY. Last week, the withdrawals totaled 5.5 million ounces over a
    seven business day period. These withdrawals are potentially very bullish.
    The big silver ETF, which goes by the name iShares Silver Trust (ticker symbol SLV), was
    the first silver ETF introduced in April 2006, about a year and a half after the first gold
    ETF. In contrast to the introduction of the gold ETF, the SLY did not come into existence
    without controversy. A strong campaign against it was waged at the time by the Silver
    Users Association, who urged the SEC to deny its approval for fear it would cause higher
    silver prices. The SUA's fears proved to be valid. I also thought there was a good chance
    that the SLY would be rejected due to the impact it would have on price. There was no
    doubt in my mind that the SLY would be the most important factor in silver to come
    along in a long time. For the first time, institutional and other investors could buy and
    hold the equivalent of real silver in a common stock form. Because it was required to
    buy and hold real metal for every share purchased, the SLY created a mechanism for
    vast investment demand for silver.
    Early on, a friend of mine, Carl Loeb, labeled the SLV as the "Death Star," because it
    seemed destined to gobble up all the available silver in the world. That's not far from
    what has occurred. Since its introduction in 2006, the SLV has accumulated almost 300
    million ounces of silver. Its success has resulted in other silver ETFs being created, as
    well as increased demand in other funds' holdings in silver (like the Central Fund of
    Canada). In total, over 450 million ounces of silver has been bought in the various silver
    investment funds over the past 4 years, or more than 100 million ounces annually.
    That's a lot of silver demand. Prior to 2006, there was no net investment in silver for
    decades, making the surge in demand particularly noteworthy.10-005
    Combined with the holdings in COMEX-approved warehouses, just over 600 million
    ounces of silver are now held in the visible and recorded inventory category, or 60% of
    the one billion ounces of total world bullion inventories thought to exist. By way of
    contrast, total ETF-type gold holdings, plus COMEX warehouse stocks amount to some
    70 million ounces, or 3.5% of total gold bullion inventories of 2 billion ounces. Removing
    the COMEX warehouse stocks from the equation, ETF-type silver holdings total 500
    million ounces, or 50% of total silver bullion world inventories, while gold ETF-type
    holdings total 60 million ounces, or 3% of the 2 billion ounces of gold bullion
    Why is there such a disproportionate percentage of total silver world inventories in ETF-
    type holdings (50%), compared to the percentage of gold world inventories held in ETF-
    type holdings (3%)? There is a greater need to professionally store silver than there is
    the need to store gold. Because gold has a high dollar value compared to its physical
    mass, there is less need to have someone hold it for you for safekeeping. One hundred
    ounces of gold bullion, a bar weighing 7 Ibs, is currently worth $110,000. The average
    person would have no trouble personally storing and safeguarding a bar of gold, or
    several such bars. In fact, given the principle motivation for the purchase of gold is
    because it is an asset that is no one else's liability, most gold holders would prefer to
    hold their gold personally and not have it stored for them by someone else.
    However, the same $110,000 would buy you 6500 ounces of silver, or more than 450
    Ibs. The average person (or institution) would have trouble storing such an amount, to
    say nothing of multiples of that amount. Usually I point out that this proves you get too
    much for your money with silver. My point is simple - because one gets so much more
    physical weight and bulk for each dollar invested in silver compared to gold, the need
    for professional storage is greater in silver. This is why such a large percentage of the
    world's total silver bullion inventory has ended up in the various silver ETFs.
    There are two categories of world silver bullion inventories, reported and unreported.
    Together, they make up total world silver bullion inventories of one billion ounces.
    Silver bullion is defined as silver held in industry-standard 1000 oz bars, or silver that
    could quickly be transformed into 1000 oz bars. Prior to the introduction of the silver
    ETFs, the amount of silver bullion that was in the visible and openly reported category
    was around 150 million ounces, out of a total of one billion ounces, meaning there were
    850 million ounces in the unreported category. Today, as I indicated above, there are10-005
    600 million ounces in the reported category and 400 million ounces in the unreported
    category. (As far as I know, my estimate of one billion ounces of total world silver
    bullion inventories and 400 million in unreported inventories is higher than any other
    published estimate. If my estimates are too high, the circumstances are more bullish
    than I have concluded).
    In essence, there has been a transfer, since 2006, of some 450 million ounces from the
    unreported category to the reported category of world silver bullion inventories. My
    analysis is that the total bullion inventories haven't changed much from the one billion
    ounce level, just that there has been a massive rearrangement between the reported
    and unreported categories. Included in the 450 million ounce transfer was the 130
    million ounces formerly held by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway.
    Silver prices have more than doubled from the 57 level since when the SLV was first
    proposed in the summer of 2005 (and at one point tripled). However, considering the
    amount of silver that has been bought in the various ETFs since 2006, I have been
    genuinely surprised by the relative small increase in the price versus the large quantity
    of silver purchased. Yes, I'm keenly aware of the manipulative impact of the hundreds of
    millions of ounces sold short by a few commercials on the COMEX, but I fully admit that
    the ETFs took in far more silver than I expected.
    I believe that the price of silver is manipulated downward by the obscene and
    concentrated short selling on the COMEX. I believe a few crooked commercials are
    behind the short selling. These same commercials are the kingpins of the wholesale
    physical market. They don't actually mine and refine and consume the actual silver, but
    they arrange for shipment and distribution all along the wholesale production and
    consumption process. So the big commercial paper shorts on the COMEX who are
    managing the price are also managing the wholesale physical market.
    These big commercial shorts are the entities that moved the 450 million ounces of silver
    from the unreported category of world silver bullion inventories to the reported
    category over the past 4 years. Clearly, it was bullish that investment demand was
    strong enough to require the big commercials to transfer the silver from the unreported
    category to the reported category in order to satisfy ETF-type demand. But it also
    created the impression that these big commercials had unlimited amounts of silver in10-005
    unreported holdinl~s. In other words, if they transferred 450 million ounces in 4 years,
    who could say that they didn't have another 450 million ounces, or any other larl~e
    amount, behind that? The feelinl~ the larl~e transfers from the unreported to the
    reported catel~ory created was that they could be maintained indefinitely.
    This feelinl~ of silver abundance created by the transfers has worked to the bil~
    commercial shorts' advantal~e for years. For instance, it kept the rel~ulators and users at
    bay, amid risinl~ numbers of complaints about a silver price manipulation. No problem,
    the bil~ shorts could claim, we have plenty of silver remaininl~ in unreported inventories.
    No, we can't show it to you, but don't worry, we have plenty. Trust us. In addition, the
    seeminl~ly effortless manner by which the bil~ commercial shorts could come up with
    silver from unreported inventories weil~hed on investor psycholol~y. If it were precisely
    known how much silver remained in the unreported inventories, investor psycholol~y
    would undoubtedly be different. As Ionl~ as silver flowed freely from unreported
    inventories to reported inventories, the illusion of plenty could sustain the bil~ shorts'
    bluff. But when the flow from unreported inventories ceases, the bluff is called. That's
    what is so potentially bullish about the recent transfers out of the SLV.
    There is no question that if silver is manipulated in price and its wholesale physical
    movement is manal~ed by the bil~ commercials, as I allel~e, that they would prefer to
    conduct their operations with the minimum of transparency and scrutiny. Beinl~ able to
    secure and transfer silver from unreported inventories allows these commercials to
    shield their activities from pryinl~ eyes. The minute the availability of unreported silver
    inventories dries up and the commercial shorts must resort to movinl~ around reported
    inventories of silver, their activities become visible.
    The movement out of the SLV stronl~ly sul~l~ests that the commercials have run out of
    easy access to unreported inventories of silver. Certainly, there is no evidence that the
    5.5 million ounce decline in SLV holdinl~s was plain-vanilla investor liquidation. Price
    action, volume and continued metal flows into the other silver ETFs arl~ue al~ainst
    investor liquidation. Investor demand for silver is boominl~, and it makes no sense that
    silver is beinl~ dumped by investors in the SLV. It is important to remember that the SLV
    is the larl~est holder of silver in the world and as such is the Iol~ical place to I~o to when
    important quantities of silver bullion are needed in a hurry. While I think that the short-
    sellinl~ of SLV shares is an abomination, the fact that this ETF allows for its shares to be
    converted to metal (throul~h an Authorized Participant and in increments of 50,00010-005
    shares/ounces), makes it a logical source of physical silver supply in a pinch.
    Furthermore, the silver leaving the SLV seems to be finding its way to the COMEX-
    approved warehouses. The timeline for that tracks pretty closely. Approximately 5
    million ounces have recently been deposited in these warehouses, in an apparent
    response to demand from new buying of futures contracts in the current March delivery
    month. This amount of silver moved into the COMEX is strongly suggestive that it came
    from the SLV. Such buying can only be for delivery purposes in the March contract. This
    new buying has been unusual and reflects immediate demand for wholesale silver
    quantities. Interestingly, the prime deliverer on the silver COMEX contracts this month
    has been JPMorgan in their proprietary trading account. Finally, the timeline of the
    withdrawals from the SLV and the deposits made into COMEX warehouses, if they
    involve the same silver, would suggest the mode of transportation is by air-freight and
    not shipped by boat, and further connotes urgency.
    Importantly, superimposed over all this is the need to remember, whatever the actual
    amount of silver in the reported and unreported inventory categories, there is really
    only one category of inventory that matters the most. That is silver available to the
    market, at or near current prices. In a very real sense, it doesn't matter if there is one
    billion ounces of silver total inventory or ten billion ounces, if only a few million, or less,
    is available for current sale. More important than the total quantity in inventory is the
    quantity that can be bought immediately. It appears to me that very little of the
    remaining silver inventory, both reported and unreported, is available for sale near
    current prices. That's because most silver investors are long-term in nature and are
    looking for much higher prices before they sell. If anything, they are more inclined to
    buy at current prices, than to sell. This is a key price determinant in any market, even
    one as manipulated as silver. And considering the current low price of silver, combined
    with just how little may be available at this time, it wouldn't shock me if some well-
    heeled investor entered the market at any time, impacting the price in a big way. In fact,
    it's more of a surprise that it hasn't happened yet.
    Admittedly, there is much speculation behind my thought process. There is also much
    fact. It would be safer to wait for actual confirmation of genuine shortage in the
    wholesale physical silver market before officially declaring that shortage. But safety has
    a cost, because by the time the silver shortage is visible to all, it will already be visible in
    the price. Therefore, by definition, if you hope to profit from the price impact of a10-005
    shortage, you must be early. Yes, you can get false starts and signals before the actual
    silver shortage hits, but that's unavoidable. The best way to play it is with physical silver
    held on a long-term basis and no margin. You don't want to lose positions if what looks
    like a shortage developing is postponed. I don't know for certain if the recent removal of
    silver from the SLV signals the start of a genuine silver shortage. But it just may and I
    see no benefit in not sharing my view with subscribers.
    Ted Butler
    March 15, 2010
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