Comment Text:
[email protected]
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 3:29 PM
Metals Hearing
recent hearing
Dear Sir,
I was glad to see that finally a hearing was held to bring to light the obvious manipulation of the silver market by
certain traders that will ultimately bring down our financial system if allowed to go unchecked. The time to act is
now in order to save the free market system. Please make everyone abide by the rules or we are headed for
disaster. Deception and manipulation always come to an end and this will be no exception. The problem will be
that the credibility of the CFTC as well as the firms involved will be damaged for good and many will lose their
jobs if this is allowed to continue. By allowing JPM to be custodian and also make markets is inconceivable to
me and there should be an audit to see if enough silver is held to cover positions. Not having position limits is
just plain stupid. Redeem yourselves and fix this scandal before it is too late.
Thank you for your time reading my e-mail.