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Comment for Sunshine Act Sunshine Act Meeting: March 25, 2010

  • From: Timothy J Trott
    UBS Financial Services Inc

    Comment No: 22035
    Date: 4/9/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected]
    Friday, April 9, 2010 9:44 AM
    Metals Hearing
    Public Comment
    Have been following both the energy and metals hearings this year and
    felt compelled to write. As a professional who has profound respect and
    admiration for my industry and most of my peers, I am appalled by, once
    again, what appears to be shameful activity by some. I am speaking about
    testimony regarding the silver market well as information which has come
    fo~vard since. The admission by one of those testifying that, indeed,
    the amount of "PAPER SILVER" significantly exceeds the amount of actual
    silver is most disconcerting and should, by itself, suggest further
    inquiry is needed. The recent disclosure by a J P Morgan trader of
    alleged market manipulation just adds fuel to the fire. I am not in the
    camp that says these things are true- that there is not enough silver
    that backs all the trades, that silver could experience a delivery
    problem, or that Morgan and other banks conspire to influence the
    market. However, there appears enough smoke to suggest further
    investigationis necessary to separate fact from fiction.
    The mission of the CFTC "is to protect market users and the public from
    fraud, manipulation, and abusive practices related to the sale of
    commodity futures and options and to foster open, competitive and
    financially sound commodity futures and options markets". I would
    implore you to continue to look into the allegations being made and the
    activity being conducted in the metals markets consistent with your
    mission. While I do not lokk for~vard to MY industry having another black
    eye, I am also not in favor of unethical individuals participating in
    unsavory practices continuing to work unchallenged and with no regard
    for written guidelines and unwritten principles.
    Not sure of the proper course of action or that position limits is the
    answer. I commend the Commission for its efforts, for you knew in
    advance the attention and controversy this would create. I implore you
    to continue your work and vigorously investigate the allegations
    surrounding the metals markets, specifically those related to silver.
    While I appreciate the argument that position limits in the US would
    merely drive business to forgeign markets, nowhere in your mission does
    it discuss market share or growing the business. And if the activity we
    are exporting to other markets is not consistent with your mission, so
    be it.
    Thank you again for your efforts in this area and this forum to respond.10-005
    Timothy J. Trott,CFP
    Vice President- Investments
    Advisory & Brokerage Services
    UBS Financial Services, Inc.
    100 State Street, Suite 460
    Erie, Pa. 16507
    Tel. 814-461-7006
    Fax 814-453-7522
    Toll Free 800-356-4074 EXT 7006
    timothy.trott @ubs. corn
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