Comment Text:
Richard DiNucci
Friday, April 9, 2010 7:42 PM
Metals Hearing
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
JillS [email protected]; [email protected]
Silver Position Limits Please?
To All CFTC Commissioners and the CFTC Metals Hearing Committee:
Without a doubt, over the past 18 months, our country has been, and continues to be in serious financial
turmoil, exacerbated by the on-going fraud among the big New York banks. Not only is there a crisis in
confidence and trust between and within the financial community, but also between the American people
and the fiduciaries of these big banks and the fiduciaries within government organizations such as the
Treasury Dept, the CFTC, and the SEC.
Manipulation of Silver is Obvious:
Over the past 12 months in particular, it has become obvious to even the casual precious metals investor,
that the COMEX and several large banks, most notably JP Morgan, are at the heart of the price
suppression and fraud in the gold and silver futures markets.
At the Recent Hearings, The CFTC Lost Credibility:
This should be obvious, too. It certainly is obvious to one CFTC Commissioner, namely Mr. Chilton.
There is a rather fundamental issue facing the CFTC. It has become obvious to certain members of the
SEC as well. For an in-depth official complaint that was filed with the SEC on this subject, please go to
the following link:
http://www.zerohedge, c~m/artic~e/first-~fficia~-c~mp~aint-fi~ed-d~j-anti-trust-~ver-jpms-r~~e-si~ver-
The Bottom Line:
The on-going silver price suppression scheme, and the resulting failure of paper money, and the
corresponding collapse of commerce and world trade is at risk. The "bottom line" could be that the entire
world goes into a severe depression resulting in famine on a world scale unlike what has ever been seen
before in world history. Do the CFTC Commissioners want that on their conscience?
Position Limits are Needed:
Please take a stand against these Wall St. crooks, and do the right thing!
The informed public knows that the silver short positions of JPM are obscene; your Commissioners know
it also, though most of them hide the facts. The fundamental issue now is whether the CFTC is going to
continue to support the likes of JPM and their ilk, or if the CFTC is going to do the right thing by imposing
position limits.
I recommend position limits of no more than 1000 contracts per organization, with
no exceptions granted.
I urge your immediate attention to this issue, in the name of humanity.
Richard DiNucci
A Disgusted American Citizen