Comment Text:
Maynard L Monroe
Sunday, April 11, 2010 7:38 PM
Metals Hearing
Position limits on precious metals
Secretary of the Commission
Thank for the opportunity to comment on the issue of position limits for precious metals.
I am an investor of 81 years and read a lot of varied news-mostly on the internet. I have been increasing
disturbed by the growing power of the money before everything crowd. The robber barrons are out in force again.
I am not a fan of big government. However, the legitimate hedgers and small investors need to be protected
from the too big to fail.
Please establish a speculative position limit in COMEX gold and silver. Please restrict any hedging exemptions
to legitimate hedgers. Please stop the levels of short concentration in COMEX gold and silver futures that have
been experienced over the past few years.
Respectfully submitted: Maynard L. Monroe