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Comment for Sunshine Act Sunshine Act Meeting: March 25, 2010

  • From: Marion Smith

    Comment No: 20960
    Date: 4/13/2010

    Comment Text:

    Tuesday, April 13, 2010 6:13 PM
    Metals Hearing
    Fraud in precious metals manipulation
    /I am concerned and deeply upset by the ongoing fraud perpetrated by the
    CFTC and the banking interests in the precious metals market. All in
    strict violation of your own rules and regulations.
    It is time you do your job and enforce these regulations.
    Marion Smith
    Step 1: Fully Describe Your Concern/
    /1. What are the names of companies, individuals, or organizations that
    are involved?/
    The CFTC, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, is withholding the
    names, with the excuse given that they cannot reveal the names, because
    of statute. But, a statute, which may violate other laws, is no excuse
    for obstruction of justice, dereliction of duty, misprison of fraud, or
    conspiracy to defraud the United States.
    The COMEX, owned by the CME Group, also has the data on who is
    primarily involved, as the antitrust violaters trade on their exchange.
    *JPMorgan Chase & Co. *has been named by thousands of writers in the
    private sector, all over the internet, based on the reports of the BIS,
    the Bank of International Settlements and the OCC, the Office of the
    Comptroller of the Currency at the US Treasury, that they manipulate the
    precious metals markets by fraudulently selling metal that does not
    exist. This Bank report indicates that *JPMorgan Chase & Co. *is
    heavily involved, far more than any other, in derivatives, exceeding $72
    *JPMorgan Chase & Co.
    *270 Park Avenue
    New York, NY 10017
    http://www, occ.treas, gov/ftp/release/2009-161 a.pdf
    /2. How do you believe they have violated the federal antitrust laws?
    (For details on federal antitrust laws, see Antitrust Laws and You.)
    //http ://www.justice. gov/atr/laws.htm/
    Sherman Antitrust Act
    This Act expresses our _national commitment to a free market economy_ in10-005
    ~vhich competition free from private and governmental restraints leads to
    the best results for consumers. This Act outla~vs all contracts,
    combinations, and conspiracies that unreasonably restrain interstate and
    foreign trade. This includes agreements among competitors to _fix
    prices, rig bids, and allocate customers_, ~vhich are punishable as
    criminal felonies. /
    *JPMorgan Chase & Co. *holds a large, concentrated, short position in
    silver futures contracts at the COMEX that allo~vs them to unreasonably
    fix prices for silver louver than they should be, ~vhich resulted in
    ~videspread shortages of retail bullion, and 1000 oz. silver bars, over
    several months in 2008, at ~vhich time, I became a bullion dealer to help
    relieve the shortages caused by this price manipulation. I had to ~vait
    up to 5 ~veeks for delivery of 1000 oz. bars from one of the ~vorld's
    largest ~vholesale suppliers at the time.
    It has been estimated that *JPMorgan Chase & Co. *has held up to, and
    over, 90% of the commercial short interest in silver futures contracts,
    essentially dumping silver on the market, silver that does not exist, in
    an attempt to contain, th~vart, suppress, and manipulate the price of
    silver louver than it should be, and other~vise ~vould be.
    /RE: The Sherman Act also makes it a crime to monopolize any part of
    interstate commerce. An unla~vful monopoly exists ~vhen only one firm
    controls the market for a product or service, and it has obtained that
    market po~ver, _not because its product or service is superior to others,
    but by suppressing competition ~vith anticompetitive conduct_./
    World silver prices are monopolized by this price manipulation that
    takes place at the COMEX, and also in the London market, ~vhich is even
    more heavily leveraged due to excessive selling of silver on paper that
    does not exist in the real ~vorld. Their primary product, "silver on
    paper" is clearly inferior to real silver, in that the key difference is
    that real silver does not depend upon the financial solvency of
    *JPMorgan Chase & Co. *for its value; and paper silver ~vill lose all
    value if *JPMorgan Chase & Co. *goes bankrupt. Competition for real
    silver as an asset is suppressed by their choice to sell paper silver at
    a discount to the costs of delivering real physical silver, ~vhich must
    include shipping, manufacturing, and mining costs. Other popular forms
    of silver for investment, such as 100 oz. bars, and 10 oz. bars, and 1
    oz. rounds also include manufacturing costs, ~vhich are also not included
    in their "paper silver" investment products, such as the ETF, SLV,
    futures contracts at COMEX, options on futures contracts at COMEX, and
    the standard LBMA "unsecured bullion accounts".
    /RE: The Clayton Act
    This Act is a civil statute (carrying no criminal penalties) that
    prohibits _mergers or acquisitions that are likely to lessen
    competition_. Under this Act, the government challenges those mergers
    that careful economic analysis sho~vs are likely to _increase prices to
    consumers_. All persons considering a merger or acquisition above a
    certain size must notify both the Antitrust Division and the Federal
    Trade Commission. The Act also prohibits other business practices that
    may _harm competition_ under certain circumstances. /
    The Clayton Act ~vas likely violated ~vhen *JPMorgan Chase & Co. *acquired
    Bear Stearns, and inherited their short position in silver, giving10-005
    *JPMorgan Chase & Co. *even more control over silver market prices, due
    to their even larger and more concentrated short position. "Higher
    prices for consumers" is a result if the consumers are silver investors,
    and if they lose the value of their silver, and thus, have to pay
    relatively higher prices for everything else in the economy as a result.
    The Department of Justice also often uses other laws to fight illegal
    activities, including la~vs that_ prohibit false statements to federal
    agencies, perjury, obstruction of justice, conspiracies to defraud the
    United States and mail and ~vire fraud ./
    The BIS, the Bank of International Settlements indicates that the
    notional value of "other precious metals" (silver) in the "over the
    counter" category increased to $203 billion by June of 2009.
    http ://~wwv. bis. org/statistics/otcder/dt21 c22 a. pdf
    Yet, the entire ~vorld's annual production of silver, at about 600
    million oz., at $17/oz., is barely $10 billion, ~vhich is a mere 1/20th
    of the amount o~ved in these bullion accounts, ~vhich are dominated by JP
    Morgan. But the $203 billion of mostly silver, is 12 billion ounces of
    silver, ~vhich is 24 times ~vorld annual production, and perhaps 100 to
    160 times the actual supply of physical silver held in London for
    delivery against such accounts, ~vhich may be as little as 75 million
    ounces or less.
    *JPMorgan Chase & Co. *is also the custodian of the ETF, SLV, ~vhich is
    supposed to have up to 300 million ounces held by JP Morgan, ~vhich is
    also likely not there.
    *JPMorgan Chase & Co. *is thus likely engaged in a Ponzi scheme of
    selling silver to clients, ~vithout actually purchasing the real physical
    silver in the marketplace, ~vhich is a totally fraudulent and illegal
    *JPMorgan Chase & Co. *is likely engaged in sending false brokerage
    statements to account holders of unsecured bullion accounts, and thus,
    is _likely engaged in both mail fraud and ~vire fraud. _
    *JPMorgan Chase & Co. *is likely engaged in _defrauding the United
    States Government_ by manipulating silver prices lo~v, by selling
    excessive amounts of "paper silver", ~vhich creates the false illusion of
    abundance of silver, ~vhich creates the illusion of a false sense of
    availability of silver, ~vhich is likely needed by the Department of
    Defense for the national security of the United States, as silver is
    vital and necessary element for the defense industry.
    3. Can you give examples of the conduct that you believe violates the
    antitrust la~vs? If so, please provide as much detail as possible.
    Yes. Andre~v Maguire, a silver trader, ~vho kno~vs the silver traders ~vho
    ~vork for *JPMorgan Chase & Co. , testified to GATA, and to the CFTC in
    the recent hearing on March 25th, 2010.10-005
    A London trader ~valks the CFTC through a silver manipulation in advance
    By: Bill Murphy, Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee
    http ://ne~vs.
    Andrew provides detailed, blow by blow acts of price manipulation,
    giving specifics, in real time, through emails to the CFTC about the
    manipulation in progress. His report is highly detailed.
    4. What is the product or service affected by this conduct? Where is
    the product manufactured or sold, or where is the service provided?
    Good question. The product is silver. Real silver is sold through
    approximately 4000 coin shops nationwide in the USA. A low, manipulated
    price, hurts and suppresses the business volumes of those businesses.
    Even more directly, a low silver price hurts the worldwide industry
    of silver mining. Most silver, about 75% is produced as a by-product of
    copper, lead, and zinc mining. And many primary silver mines produce
    gold, copper, lead, and zinc as by-products. Thus, a low silver price
    that suppresses silver mining also restricts the supplies of gold,
    copper, lead, and zinc, which leads to higher prices for all of those
    other commodities than would otherwise be the case. The world could
    have more abundant, and thus cheaper, gold, copper, lead, and zinc,
    which are desperately needed for the continued industrialization of the
    entire world, if it were not for the silver price suppression
    manipulation scheme in progress.
    Silver is primarily produced in North and South America, so this is a
    direct assault on a large section of the world's economy, which is, of
    course, a much smaller industry as a result.
    5. Who are the major competitors that sell the product or provide the
    The largest refiner of silver in the world is likely Penoles of Mexico,
    who may refine about 70 million ounces of silver per year, over 10% of
    the world's supply. The second largest source is likely the Cannington
    silver mine owned by BHP Billiton, which produces about 30-40 million
    ounces of silver per year. The largest silver refiner in the USA is
    Johnson-Matthey, who also might have been engaged in illegal allocation
    of 100 oz. silver bars back in 2008, as their primary retailer had a
    wait list of over 2 months for delivery in 2008 as a result of their
    complicit actions in the price fixing scheme. They refused to allocate
    silver to the highest bidder at the time. At that time, I helped
    pioneer the development of a silver auction website, with the owner of, who created, which sold over 10,000 oz.
    of silver per day to the highest bidder for a few days during a time of
    a national and worldwide silver shortage that resulted from the illegal
    price fixing.10-005
    6. What is your role in the situation in question?
    Another very good question. I invested in silver, starting in 1998. I
    have been advocating silver as an investment since then, as can be seen
    at, ~vhich also has an email ne~vsletter that
    reaches out to 80,000 readers. The price manipulation has negatively
    impacted the success of my o~vn investment choice, and the investments of
    hundreds of thousands of other people around the ~vorld. I have been
    ~vorking to expose this manipulation since 2002, as I ~vrote, and spent
    over $500,000 to publicize, articles such as:
    _The Moral Failures of the Paper Longs_
    Jan 22, 2003
    * CFTC Response to Silver Problem_
    <~ttp:// Response to Silver_Problem.html>*
    Jan 14, 2003
    *_People Talking About $32,567/oz_
    Jan 10, 2003
    * Letter To Authorities of Silver Markets
    <~ttp:// To the Authorities of the Silver_Markets.html>*
    Jan 6, 2003
    *_Why no talk of $32,567/oz ?_
    Jan 2, 2003
    *_Refuting Myths about Gold_

    Oct 28, 2002
    _Controlling Gold ~vith Paper_

    June 10, 2002
    _Impending Gold Futures Default_

    May 29, 2002
    7. Who is harmed by the alleged violations? Ho~v are they harmed?
    As I have said, silver investors ~vho need to sell their silver for their
    retirement are primarily the ones harmed. But also, _silver mining is
    suppressed_, ~vhich hurts companies ~vorking to develop technology to
    explore for silver. It hurts engineers and builder ~vho develop mines.
    It hurts and restricts the production of silver byproducts, ~vhich raises
    the prices for gold, copper, zinc, and lead, ~vhich _restricts industrial
    development ~vorld~vide_.
    But primarily, _it ~vill catastrophically hurt holders of American
    dollars in the future_, as they are currently being lulled into a false
    sense of security about the false and fraudulent value of US Dollars, or
    more accurately, Federal Reserve Notes, ~vhich stand to lose value
    rapidly as the fraud of selling silver that does not exist gets exposed.
    Thus, the silver fraud is a small part of the Ponzi Scheme on ~vhich
    rests the much larger Ponzi scheme of the US Dollar itself, a $14-16
    Trillion fraud, and also, the much larger US Bond market, ~vhich may
    exceed $30-40 trillion. Further, the $70 Trillion "interest rate
    derivative" fraud is also supported by silver price manipulation.10-005
    Inflation-indexed bonds are also sold as a competing investment to
    silver, and so, by hurting the silver price, or by making the silver
    price seem dangerously volatile by ~vay of direct price manipulation,
    *JPMorgan Chase & Co. *supports its entire mountain of paper investment
    products, which it clearly dominates in world trade.
    *The silver price suppression scheme, and the resulting failure of paper
    money, and the resulting collapse of commerce and world trade risks
    sending the entire world into a severe depression that risks famine on a
    world scale unlike what has ever been seen before in world history, and
    could _therefore cause the direct deaths of anywhere up to a third of
    all humans on earth, or even more. *
    Please pause now, and reflect on that for a moment. You may wish to
    consider and ask yourself if you want that on your conscience, or if you
    want to be blamed for that, by God himself, in the eternal reckoning
    that must come due for all men, if you decide to do nothing to stop the
    fraud on progress, that could potentially cause so much devastation.