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Comment for Sunshine Act Sunshine Act Meeting: March 25, 2010

  • From: Tolling Jennings

    Comment No: 20950
    Date: 4/13/2010

    Comment Text:

    Tolling Jennings
    Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:10 PM
    Metals Hearing
    Silver shorts
    Dear Sirs,
    I am writing to you in response to the hearings held by your committee on the short positions in gold
    and silver held this March. I wish to commend you on your bravery in opening these hearings.
    I am concerned about the criminal activity of the major bullion banks in their blatant suppression of the
    gold and silver markets. In particular the short positions of J P Morgan and HSBC. These two banks
    along with six others are leveraged out at 100 to 1 in silver according to testimony at your
    hearing!!!!!! The suppression of the silver market was documented by GATA and the suppressed
    testimony of Mr. McGuire who led your enforcement officer through the market suppression via email
    and phone!
    It is now public record that this criminal activity that your committee is supposed to control is taking
    place. You are now mandated to take action. This action must include;
    Establishment of margin leverage limits to conform to the standards of other markets in the 20-40%
    launching of criminal charges against the heads of the banks responsible for the criminal activity
    exposed at your hearings
    Audits of the COMEX warehouse, GLD and SLV ETFs to establish the level of shortages of metals held
    by these entities
    Audit of the Federal Reserve to establish the actual amount of gold on hand and the leans on said gold.
    The audit of the gold in the hands of the Fed to include electronic audit to establish the amount of gold
    held that would not pass purity standards.
    I have the deepest respect for your committee and can only await your positive action on these issues. I
    am also aware that now that this information is in the public record you will be held accountable for
    your actions should you chose not to act. Until such time as you act to correct this criminal activity you
    are in fact complicate in this activity.
    Thank you for your consideration of my humble comments. Peace, Tolling Jennings