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Comment for Sunshine Act Sunshine Act Meeting: March 25, 2010

  • From: Vidal Cortez

    Comment No: 20900
    Date: 4/14/2010

    Comment Text:

    vidal cortez
    Wednesday, April 14, 2010 7:02 PM
    Metals Hearing
    Alledged manipulation of JP Morgan, do we turn our backs and pretend it isn't
    Recently Geithner was sent to China to scold them for the alleged manipulation of the YUAN.
    How is it that the representatives of the American people go to China to tell them of their evils
    of manipulation of their Yuan when we have had two - three years of criminal activity in our
    country that lasted YEARS, (Bernie Madoff) reportedly since 1963 -2007-8, How on God's
    earth did this happen? Now we have just recently had a meeting with the CFTC at the helm,
    discussing the alleged manipulation from JP Morgan where a so called whistle blower who
    would have / could have exposed JP Morgan's shenanigans. The so called whistle blower, a
    trader from Goldman Sachs, prior to this meeting, emailed a CFTC agent "Eluid Ramirez
    ( several times) with precise information showing how JP Morgan sent out signals understood
    by Other JP Morgan traders as well as Goldman Sachs traders giving the exact times and
    dates these manipulative actions would take place. Sadly enough Mr Andrew was not allowed
    to speak at this meeting which kind of makes things look bad for the CFTC, ( almost as if the
    CFTC was afraid of what Mr. Maguire had to say. In any case, since that meeting, the New
    York Post has printed the story up in their paper. This does not look good. I ask again, how
    can Geithner go to China and scold them for an alleged manipulation of their currency when
    we have a country that allows banks such as JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs participate in
    illegal activity .... CRIMINAL ACTIVTY ...... VVhat will happen when China or any other emerging
    nation decides they want their silver so all their people can drink purified water, so they can
    have antibiotics to save lives, so they too can have the silver needed to aid in the little switch
    we take for granted that turns our lights on and off or the electric car that will be used silver in
    their batteries so they can last longer and are much durable.., and please don't let us forget the
    fact that silver has been used as money longer than gold .... Many people think that gold is the
    rare precious metal but as most know, silver is the rarer of the two. The argument is that
    there is much more silver below ground than gold but that argument has no foundation. I can
    tell you that just because you have more change in your pocket doe not mean that you have
    more than I do and my argument is that I threw $500.00 worth of quarters in the lake last week
    and so I do have more change than you .... That makes about as much sense as the argument
    that there is much more silver underground than gold .... Right now, in physical possession
    there is much more gold than silver and until anyone digs up all this underground silver then
    silver should carry a higher price tag than gold but it can't as long as JP Morgan continues to
    ell naked short positions...VVhy would the historical 16-1 ratio between gold and silver now be
    63-1 if there is less silver in our world than gold? Can you say JP MORGAN NAKED SHORT
    POSITIONS .... Our representatives can only artificially prop up the dollar before it falls and
    with all this manipulation the fall will be greater because as we continue to print those FRNS
    the hole gets deeper and someday our posterity will have ZERO to look forward to. Yet
    Geithner, and Obama continue to point a finger at China for manipulation of the Yuan ....
    Please do the job you took on as the CFTC:10-005
    Are these just words that mean nothing? Please follow the words on this plaque. These
    words are you duty and like the oath I took when I entered the Navy, I followed it. Just as the
    hundreds of young boys, including my nephew who have died or been shot and maimed never
    to live a normal life because they followed the oath they were sworn to follow through with ( will
    the CFTC do the same) ..... My nephew is 21 years old and he entered Afghanitan when he
    was twenty. He will never walk again ..... VVho cares?