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Comment for Sunshine Act Sunshine Act Meeting: March 25, 2010

  • From: Ernesto Alaniz

    Comment No: 20894
    Date: 4/15/2010

    Comment Text:

    mary1159@com cast. net
    Thursday, April 15, 2010 2:35 AM
    Metals Hearing
    Wall Street's Continued Manipulation markets, GOLD & SILVER
    I saw the presentation make by GATA of irrefutalbe prood that at least one Wall Street firm,
    Morgan Stanley, and perhaps one more, has been, quietly with much stealth, selling paper
    with little of no gold or silver to support the presentations to buyers that there is gold and/or
    silver supporting each sale. By flooding the market with paper Morgan Stanley with the
    backing of the Federal Reserve have been maipulating prices of said commodities down and
    up. Morgan Stanley and others who are beign signaled when to buy and when to sell are
    making fortunes while small/individual investors are losing, collectively, vasts amount of
    Some analyst have called this the largest robbery in the history of the world as this has been
    going on for many years. I beseech your commitee to bring an immediate halt to this robbery.
    am an indivudual investor who has been losing, unknowinly, on gold and silver due to the
    cabal of the "club" of Morgan Stanley friends. This is really outrageous. I am 70 years old in
    two months and I can't absorb the results of these criminal acts. I was hoping that my
    gold/silver investments would succor me in my old age. Please help.
    Ernesto Alaniz
    PS: I have sent a compy of this to my Senator and Congresman. I will follow up with them
    with the hope that they can help your committee in curbing this criminal behavior by Wall
    Street firms that continues with no abeyance to this date. Incredible!