Comment Text:
Friday, April 16, 2010 8:37 AM
Metals Hearing
FW: Please end the gold/silver munipulation
[email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 4:58 AM
To: secretary
Subject: Please end the gold/silver munipulation
Just a guy that requests that the CFTC to please end the corruption on the gold and silver
markets. On your recent CFTC meeting you had a whistle blower state that things are being
manipulated in the market. There is also alot of data to back up GATA on these issues. Please
don't insult my intelligence and state there is no problem because there is a problem, bad
problem. Just do the right thing and investigate the problem. There are many i work with that
were hoping the new commissioner head of the CFTC would understand and do something
about this issue.
I just hope you all are not paid off and will stick up for the little guy like me.
With all this said, even with all the evidence that was shown to you all how can you ignore the
problem. Why not go look in the Canada vault and verify how much gold is in there, why not
do that simple thing.
To alot of us it seems that the CFTC is just another paid off group to keep the manipulation
I guess when you are old and on your death bed you will reflect on these issues and wish you
would have done something to correct the matter.
Have a good day