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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: D Power

    Comment No: 2081
    Date: 1/21/2010

    Comment Text:

    D Power
    Thursday, January 21, 2010 6:35 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Dear Sirs,
    I have a small account with a USA Forex Broker. This account allows me to take advantage of forex trading and I
    can trade with 100 : 1 leverage. My total risk to my account is the actual balance on my account. Changing the
    leverage will not change the risk to my account nor the risk of loss per trade as this is fixed in perctentage terms
    depending on my stop loss.
    However, it will greatly reduce my ability to trade, regardless of risk and potential of the trade. When I take a
    trade, I have a stop loss that I am willing to lose, as the trade goes my way I put my stop loss to brake-even. Thus
    I have no risk to my capital but an I can acquire what ever profit the market is willing to give me. With no risk to
    my initial capital, I am free to search for new trading opportunities. The high leverage alows me to do this as I can
    then use leverage to get into another trade while risking nothing more to my capital than the risk on the original
    trade. By trading this way I can make around 2 pct a day, and perhaps one day aspire to a holiday or helping
    other family members. If the leverage is decreased from 100:1 to 10:1, I will not be able to trade full stop. I will be
    forced to accept the 0.5 pct the bank pays me on a yearly basis for cash deposit and the bank will be the only one
    trading my money.
    So the proposed changes to the leverage regulation will simply exclude the small guy in favor of the big
    institutions, banks and wealthy individuals, who will be the only ones allowed to trade.
    Thus under the pretext of helping the poor you will be giving the "privilege to trade" only to the rich, regardless of
    ability, therefore destroying, in one go, our dreams.
    Best Regards
    D Power