Comment Text:
thomas sullivan
Monday, April 19, 2010 5:40 PM
Metals Hearing
Proposed Federal Speculative Position
Dear Sir:
We need to establish speculative position limits in Comex silver of no more than 1500 contracts. We
need to restore fair play to the market. I believe that an important issue that ultimately drives the price
of the silver market is being ignored too long. The issue is the big corporation that uses their leverage to
manipulate the silver market. For too long the the big Wall Street firms use their leverage to control the
price of silver and the regulators - who are under funded and under skilled - allow this to happen. The
regulators attitude of "let's not rock the boat" will come back to bite them and cause great harm to
America. You have an opportunity to do something about this. Have the courage to stand up for what is
fight and put limits on the silver contracts.
Tom Sullivan
919 753-4650
tom 1395 @gmail. corn