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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Aaron Aitchison

    Comment No: 19
    Date: 1/14/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected]
    Thursday, January 14, 2010 3:27 PM
    Public Comment Form
    Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
    ([email protected]) on Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 15:26:31
    commenter_subject: Proposed Forex Legislation under "Farm Bill"
    commenter_comments: This piece of legislation would be disastrous to
    not only the current economic recovery, but to
    future economic health as well. This proposal is
    "veiled" as big brother trying to look out for the
    safety of the common by protecting him from himself
    and the "evil" traders and Forex hedge funds.
    Nothing could be further from the truth. Investing
    in general, is a risk based activity. One embarks
    in an investment arena with great volatility for
    the sole purpose of high rewards. It is an OBVIOUS
    inherent danger that along with the opportunity for
    great returns, comes GREAT risk as well. If the
    Obama administration and this Congress wants
    everyone to operate on the same level playing
    field, they can resign and try to lead in a
    communist or socialist regime. However, under our
    great capitialist market economy...people should be
    allowed to choose their level of investment risk,
    along with the possibility of the utilization of AT
    LEAST a maximum limit of 100-1 leverage in their
    FOREX accounts, just as they are allowed to choose
    which religion they want to follow or what level of
    education they desire. Limiting people's ability to
    accumulate wealth is not going to turn this economy
    around. If the government wants to intervene to
    help our current economic state, it would be best
    served by creating MORE opportunities for the
    average person to become wealthy...not by placing
    restrictions and limitations upon them.
    commenter_name: Aaron Aitchison
    commenter_addressl: 15715 Covewood Circle
    commenter_city: Dallas
    commenter_state: Texas
    commenter_zip: 75248
    commenter_phone: 972-697-5072