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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Nicholas Saulsberry

    Comment No: 1782
    Date: 1/21/2010

    Comment Text:

    [email protected]
    Thursday, January 21, 2010 11:48 AM
    Public Comment Form
    Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
    ([email protected]) on Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 11:48:21
    commenter_subject: Regulation of Retail Forex
    commenter frdate: 1/21/2010
    commenter_comments: You did not post my first comments which I wrote
    quickly on the 14th. Who knows how many other
    peoples comments have not been posted. Here was my
    Patrick Henry one said, "Liberty or give me
    death!" before being lead off the gallows.
    Literally, I find myself in the same situation with
    the new regulation proposal of 10:1 leverage on the
    retail forex. Why are laws made but to protect the
    liberties and privileges of the American people. I
    do not see how this law protects the free markets
    of capitalism or the priveleges of the american
    people rather it circumscribes and is rules for the
    sake of rules and once again stepping on the
    "little man."
    I wish to convery to you that such proposal would:
    1. Without warrant strip the investor of the
    freedom to make his own financial decision and
    basically put the government in the role of a
    mother telling the "investor baby" what he can and
    cannot do. This labors under the delusion that
    "average Joe" does not know what to do with his
    money so the government must tell him.
    2. Steps on the little guy. A 25k retail forex
    account would be needed to start trading. I am
    actually fortunate to thave that income. Most
    average Joes do not have that much disposable
    income to trade. Which leads to the sad statement
    they hear all of their lives. "In order to make
    money, you have to have alot of money." This would
    limit the trading of forex to only the wealthy an
    attack on class.i0-001
    3. The investor would stand to lose more under this
    new regulation. Since the investor would be
    opening a much larger account than say a $1,000 or
    $500 account. The investor would stand to lose
    more, essentially at least 20 to 25k. If the
    investor is going to lose his money, he will lose
    money wheter he has $1,000 or $20,000 this is
    simply augmenting the amount of unneccessary risk
    in his forex account. I have an acquaintance who
    unfortunately trades in the stock market and he
    requires that inane amount of capital to have his
    trading account, so he took out a second mortgage
    on his house to get the stock trading account.
    Which of these is more detrimental to the economy I
    ask you? The man who took out a second mortgage on
    his house and lost 20k or the man who lost $700 and
    learned forex wasnt the market for him.
    4. Makes U.S. forex brokers non-competitive- Forex
    traders will simply open up accounts overseas where
    larger leveraging is allowed. I wouldn't be
    surprised if only a handful of retail forex
    accounts remained in the states with an inane 10:1
    leverage. Why put such a large amount of your
    capital in a trading account at once when it is an
    uneccessary in another country.
    5. Takes the American dream out of America- Mine
    is a true rags to riches story. My mother passed
    away while I was attending college. So while I was
    going to school pursuing an architectural
    enineering major I was having to take care of my
    two sisters and get an extra job waiting tables to
    make ends meet. I took a stock options course to
    learn how to trade for extra income, but realized
    the incredible high capital startup requirements.
    And thats when I ran into forex. The whole summer I
    went to barnes and noble took my notebook and read
    Technical Analysyes of the financial markets by
    murphy, forex made easy, Profiting with forex, etc,
    I opened a demo account, paper traded for a few
    months, opened up my first account with $500. Its
    been 4 years and through careful study I've made a
    little over $200k in extra income to help care for
    my sisters and pay for my degree. I, a waiter, was
    able to take advantage of the markets and use
    fundamental and technical analyses to generate
    extra income for my family. Thats the American
    dream that Anybody can make it here.
    6. Why is there no cap to leverage on banks in this
    market and just the retail investor- If its
    education that you are worried about, I for one
    have definitely put in the time and study to bei0-001
    able to use proper risk management to not lose my
    ~vhole account or overleverage myself. I ~vould be
    much more open to a mandatory money management
    course or forex education course your broker had to
    provide you sponsored by the cftc at a reasonable
    cost of course so as to not stamp out average Joe
    reaching the American dream. Not to exceed $500 for
    the course.
    7. Spits in the face of freedom and says your too
    stupid to kno~v ~vhat to do ~vith your money.
    commenter_name: Nicholas Saulsberry
    commenter_addressl : 1208 College Park~vay # 1025
    commenter_city: Le~visville
    commenter state: TX
    commenter_zip: 75077
    commenter~hone: 214-862-7559