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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 3281

  • From: Terry L Robinson

    Comment No: 118
    Date: 1/15/2010

    Comment Text:

    Terry L. Robinson
    Friday, January 15, 2010 7:38 PM
    Regulation of Retail Forex
    Well, I understand your doing some good things for the Forex industry to
    help us investors be more protected. I'm very much pleased that the
    government is concerned about investors well being.
    Unfortunately, the part about a maximum leverage of 10:1 will kill the
    Forex industry in America. As an example, last year when the NFA took my
    trading tools called "hedging" away and then did something equally as
    silly as your 10:1 leverage ratio called FIFO caused me to take my first
    losses EVER while trading Forex in order to comply with the NFA short
    suspense. And since both I and my father had to take losses because of
    the U.S. Governments new rules to protect us from ourselves, we moved
    ALL of our money overseas where it will stay in various countries using
    several base currencies. I imagine I wasn't alone in doing what I did,
    though I cannot substantiate any percentages, I'm am certain that those
    new rules caused the US to lose a bunch of money making opportunities,
    jobs, etc. in a time our country could ill afford to lose.
    If you continue on this path, even more investors who actually know what
    their doing will move their money overseas, thereby perpetuating the
    killing of both the small and large US based Forex investor. That's to
    say nothing about the fact that the small US investor will either try
    investing only to lose even more money than what you're trying to
    protect them from or they won't even try at all in which case nobody
    wins and the economy loses.
    So please, please, reconsider what your doing with this rule in
    particular. I'm all for your helping regulate the brokers to make the
    playing field more fair to the investor but if your reacting to the 'get
    rich quick' folks who didn't know what they were doing, got caught up in
    some scheme and ended up loosing their life savings, then shame on them
    for not doing their due diligence research; in which case they deserve
    to loose their money. Please stop trying to protect us from the idiots!
    The ball is now in your court; what you do is really up to you, but I
    can guarantee that if this madness continues like it appears to be in
    not only this aspect but many of the other aspects of life in the U.S.,
    I am seriously contemplating moving away from the U.S. and giving up my
    citizenship; I'm very much embarrassed to call myself an American, I am
    no longer proud to be an American despite having served my country for
    20 years in the Army and I'm literally scared to travel overseas for
    fear of being a target of terrorism by virtue of my citizenship. Now you
    really have to ask yourself, what have we (collectively the government,
    big business and Americans in general who believe they are entitled)
    done when a person who fought in 2 wars and spent 20 years protecting
    the ideology of the U.S. wants to leave! ?
    When I wrote a similar e-mail to the NFA they in fact ignored my plea,
    so heres to hoping you do the 'right' thing by choosing the hard right
    over the easy wrong.
    Terry L. Robinson