Comment Text:
Lucas Johnson
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:28 PM
Regulation of Retail Forex
RIN 3038-AC61
To whom it may concern.
I would like to strongly discourage the limitation of leverage in the
retail Forex environment. I would like to remind you that the trader
has full discretion to pick that amount of leverage that is right for
them. This country is born and based on freedom and this is another
case where consenting adults are choosing of their own free will to
engage in acitivites of their own accord. We do not need your help to
tell us what "too much leverage is". You do have a role in making
sure these places are above board and are running legitimate
businesses. Quite frankly you have no right to limit leverage. You
do not know what is best for us, only "free" individuals can make that
decision and they have the right to select any amount of leverage they
so choose. Please drop any and all attempts to regulate leverage in
the retail Forex environment and just focus on going after the "bad
Thank You.
--Lucas D. Johnson