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Comment for Proposed Rule 75 FR 4143

  • From: Nicholas D Gerber
    United States Commodity Funds LLC

    Comment No: 11679
    Date: 4/22/2010

    Comment Text:

    Commodity Funds, LLC
    1320 Harbor Bay Parkway
    Suite 145
    Alameda, CA 94502
    510.522.9604 fax
    VIA E-MA!.L
    Mr. David Stawick
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Three Lafayette Centre
    1155 21st Street, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20581
    Proposed Federal Speculative Position Limits for
    Referenced Energy Contracts and Associated Regulations
    Dear Mr. Stawick:
    We are submitting this letter on behalf of Unit'ed States Commodity Funds LLC
    ("USCF"), a commodity pool operator registered with the Commodity Futures Trading
    Commission ("CFTC" or "Commission"), that manages several exchange traded commodity
    pools, including the United States Oil Fund, LP ("USO") and the United States Natural Gas
    Fund, LP ("LING"). USCF wishes to provide a response to your request for comments on the
    CFTC's Notice of Proposed Rulemaldng entitled:
    Federal Speculative Position Limits for
    Referenced Energy Contracts and Associated Regulations
    ("Proposed Rule"). We believe that
    the ability of USCF to prudently meet the investment objectives of the commodity pools that it
    manages will likely be significantly hampered by the limits as proposed. We believe the same
    may be true for other firms that manage similar publicly traded, Ira-levered, passive commodity
    funds. As a result, and more importantly, the value of the exchange traded pools managed by
    USCF to the hundreds of thousands of investors in our pools, and the several million investors in
    all similar pools currently in operation in the United States, could be adversely affected by
    adoption of the Proposed Rule. For the reasons set out below, we believe the Proposed Rule
    should not be finalized in its present form.
    I. Description of USCF and its Related Funds
    As a registered commodity pool operator, USCF is general partner of and manages the
    United States Oil Fund, LP, the United States Natural Gas Fund, LP, the United States 12 Month
    Oil Fund, LP, the United States 12 Month Oil Fund, LP, the United States Gasoline Fund, LP,
    the United States Heating Oil Fund, LP, and the United States Short Oil Fund, LP (each, a10-002
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    "Fund" and collectively, the "Funds"). Each of the Funds is an exchange-traded commodity pool
    that principally invests in futures contracts for energy commodities with the investment objective
    of having the net asset value ("NAV") of the units of each Fund reflect changes in percentage
    terms of the price of a giv.en commodity futures contract. The specific commodity focus and
    investment strategy of each Fund varies; however, the structure and method of investing in all of
    USCF's Funds is identical. Units of each of the Funds are listed on the NYSE Arca, Inc.
    ('NYSE Arca"). Publicly listed investment pools such as ours, and those operated by other
    passive managers, are frequently referred to as "commodity ETFs," although such a description
    is not technically correct. 1
    Each of the Funds has thousands of investors (for example, USO and UNG had,
    respectively, over 300,000 and 400,000 investors during the course of 2009)
    and no investor, to
    the Funds' knowledge, has ever held more than 5% of the units outstanding of any Fund, other
    than a handful of occasions typically during the period when a Fund initially offers its units to
    the public and has few investors,
    Based on discussions with other managers of similar passive
    commodity funds, we estimate that the total number of individual "retail" investors in the United
    States who hold investments in such exchange traded commodity funds is between 3,000,000
    and 4,000,000 based on 2009 totals.
    II. Summary of General Comments
    The objective of the Funds is generally to allow both retail and institutional investors to
    easily gain exposure to the energy markets in a cost-effective manner. Energy prices impact all
    investors either directly or indirectly and there has been a growing apprecia.tion by investors that
    it may be appropriate to address the escalation and volatility of energy prices through
    participation in the financial markets. Investors have several avenues of participation, including
    directly buying and selling exchange traded futures contracts. If each of the Funds' investors
    individually elected to gain exposure to the energy markets through the purchase and sale of
    exchange traded energy futures contracts, the Proposed Rule would be of little consequence
    because it is extremely doubtful that any Fund investor would ever hold enough futures contracts
    to be impacted by the position limits in the Proposed Rule.
    Thus, it is solely because such
    ~ ETFs are considered to be exchange traded vehicles that are registered with the U.S. Securities Exchange
    Commission ("SEC") under the Investment Company Act of 1940 ("1940 Act"), ~vhile the "commodity ETFs" are
    generally registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("1934 Act").
    2 According to data compiled in connection with providing Internal Revenue Service Schedule K-1 tax forms.
    3 Since each of the Funds are registered under the 1934 Act, investors holding 5% or more of a Fund's units are
    required to disclose their holdings and intentions under Section 13 of the 1934 Act.
    4 Although it is theoretically possible that the positions of a single investor in one of the Funds could breach the
    limits set out in the Proposed Rule, this has not occurred to date and we believe mechanisms could be put in place
    that would assure that any investor in the Funds whose positions could breach the limits would be identified.10-002
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    investors seek to obtain their financial exposure to the energy markets collectively in a simpler,
    unleveraged and economically efficient manner through the Funds
    they will likely suffer
    adverse effects from adoption of the Proposed Rule.
    The Funds have directly made the case to the Commission that the Funds' collective
    investments in futures contracts have not in fact contributed to either the volatility or run ups (or
    run downs) in energy prices experienced over the last several years.
    Perhaps this explains why
    in its Proposed Rule the Commission repeatedly makes the point that it is not required to base its
    position limits on a finding that the positions of a certain size constitute excessive speculation
    that create an actual burden on interstate commerce.
    Rather, the Commission states that it
    "may make and promulgate such rules and regulations that in its judgment are reasonably
    necessary to accomplish any of the purposes of the [Commodity Exchange
    belaboring questions regarding the legal authority asserted by the Commission, we believe the
    Commission cannot escape the question of whether it is wise or appropriate for it to adopt rules
    that will interfere with the ability of ordinary citizens to gain exposure to our energy markets in a
    cost effective and efficient manner. The mere fact the Commission might be able to adopt a
    particular rule does not mean that such action should be taken.
    a. Rationales for Position Limits
    We believe that there are essentially four reasons why position limits might be justifiably
    imposed on market participants (outside of the limits traditionally put in place during the final
    days before expiration of futures contracts when delivery becomes an issue). However, none of
    these reasons appears to provide a viable rationale for imposing position limits on publicly
    traded, non-leveraged, passive commodity investment funds.
    Settlement Risk.
    The first reason for imposing position limits on market participants is to
    avoid a situation where an unusually large owner of futures contracts becomes a settlement risk
    to the futures contract's exchange clearing house. This could occur if a large entity took a
    position, long or short, that went against it in such a fashion that it was unable to post additional
    margin to cover such position, or the entity in fact went bankrupt. This scenario in turn could
    force the entity's futures commission merchant ("FCM") to have to make good on the open
    positions of the failed entity. It is possible that this scenario could force the failure of the FCM,
    which in turn would place the Cost of the open positions onto the clearing house and its members.
    5 See
    USCF Comment Letter to the' CFTC's Concept Release on Whether to Eliminate the Bona Fide Hedge
    Exemption for Certain Swap Dealers and Create a New Limited Risk Management Exemption From Speculative
    Position Limits, 74 FR 12282 (March 24, 2009), filed June 16, 2009; Testimony of John Hyland, Chief Investment
    Officer of USCF, before the CFTC on August 5, 2009.
    6 See, e.g.,
    Proposed Rule, 75 FR 4144, at 4148 (January 26, 2010).
    Mr. David Stawick
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    The level of settlement risk presented in this scenario, however, is different depending on the
    type of entity holding large positions,
    As an example, let us assume there are four types of potential very large holders of
    futures contracts. Our entities for this example are the following:
    1) A hedge fund or other purely financial investment firm.
    Such a firm would often use very
    large amounts of leverag'e (10 times or more), take a meaningful price risk in its
    investments in futures contracts, and have a highly liquid, but small, capital base.
    2) A large bank or investment bank that acts as a dealer in both futures and commodity
    related swaps.
    Such an entity would also be highly levered (10 times or more), wouId not
    always be taking a price risk with its positions in futures contracts since it would
    sometimes be acting as an intermediary, and would have a relatively large capital base
    that would be a mixture of liquid and illiquid holdings.
    A large commodity end-user, producer, or dealer in the physical commodity.
    Such a firm
    would typically, but not always, be hedging its price exposure, would have lower levels
    of leverage, and
    have a large but very illiquid
    An exchange traded commodity fund ("commodity ETF").
    Such a fund would typically
    be un-levered, would not itself be taking any price risk since it is a passive index-like
    vehicle (although its individual investors would be taking price risk), and would have a
    very large and very liquid capital base.
    laa the above examples, the biggest candidate for settlement risk is #1, the hedge fired, and
    the lowest risk is #4, the commodity ETF. However, the position limits in the Proposed Rule
    would essentially put both the highest and lowest risk participants (#1 and #4, respectively) in
    the same and most restrictive category in terms of limits on holdings. However, the Proposed
    Rule would allow the second riskiest category, the dealer (entity #2), to hold twice as many
    futures contracts as the least risky category (entity #4) under the current proposal. Finally, the
    third riskiest category, the commodity end-user (entity #3), would be essentially allowed
    unlimited holdings.
    Market Manipulation.
    The second rationale for the limits is to prevent illegal
    manipulation in the markets by a large holder of contracts,
    to prevent some sort of"corner"
    of the market or other manipulative operation. As major investors on behalf of hundreds of
    thousands of shareholders in USCF's commodity ETFs we are certainly in favor of protecting the
    markets we invest in against such manipulation. However, we fail to see how such a concern
    8 We believe that the common argument that commodity end-users and producers represent the lowest risk category
    is refuted by the numerous problems caused in the financial commodity markets by these types of entities, including:
    Sumitomo Corporation, Metallgesellschaft Corporation, China Aviation Oil, the Hunt brothers, and the Chinese
    State Reserve Bureau, all of whom were physical players in commodities as well as users &futures contracts).10-002
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    would lead to position limits being placed on publicly traded, passive, un-levered funds such as
    The history of the commodity markets suggests that three elements are usually present
    when a person or firm sets out to deliberately manipulate the market. First, they need secrecy,
    given that if everybody knows what they are doing they will not succeed. Second, they need
    leverage, since in any large commodity market an entity's ability to influence prices with
    certainty will usually be limited to small amounts and for short periods of time. Finally, they
    almost certainly need to be able to participate in BOTH the futures market and the physical
    market, because we believe solely using futures contracts does not provide these bad actors with
    an adequate tool to create the artificial price necessary to implement their plan.
    Based on these three identified elements, and using the same four potential categories of
    very large holders that we postulated above, we believe that the category that has the greatest
    potential for manipulative abuse is category #3, a large physical player who also uses futures.
    The second most likely candidate is #2, the bank or investment bank, with #1, the hedge fund, a
    distant third.

    The least likely candidate is #4, the commodity ETF, since they are typically too
    ta'ansparent, too un-levered, and too tied to their benchrnark or index to be a remotely plausible
    For any observer who raises the suggestion of "unintentional manipulation'' as a possible
    basis of concern here, we would have to point out that under the Commodity Exchange Act such
    a thing is a legal oxymoron. Manipulation is a crime and requires specific intent. Just because an
    investor buys something, and the price goes up, does not mean that manipulation has occurred or
    an artificial price has been created. Normally in markets we refer to that as "supply and
    Reduction of Volatility.
    The third rationale is that the Commission desires to reduce the
    average am,ount of price volatility in various commodity markets. Technically we understand
    that the Commission refers to this as taking action to "...diminish, eliminate or prevent excessive
    speculation .... "However, it is unclear what the phrase "excessive speculation" really means in this
    context. We have not seen a precise definition of what excessive speculation really is or how the
    9 As previously noted, we believe that the common argument that commodity end-users and producers represent the
    lowest risk category is refuted by the numerous problems caused in the financial commodity markets by these types
    of entities, including: Sumitomo Corporation, Metallgesellschaft Corporation, China Aviation Oil, the Hunt
    brothers, and the Chinese State Reserve Bureau, all of whom were physical players in commodities as well as users
    of futures contracts).
    ~o In the example given, the hedge fund is not a large risk to manipulate a commodity market because it is not long
    or short physical supply and thus it is unlikely to be able to influence spot prices or, on a risk free basis, move the
    futures curve. The same line of argument applies to USCF's Funds and other commodity ETFs that operate in a
    similar fashion.10-002
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    Commission measures it. For the purposes of this comment letter we will view the purpose as an
    attempt to reduce the average amount of price volatility of a particular commodity over some period
    of time. That still leaves the issue of how to determine what is the normal or "correct" level of price
    volatility, a problem that we will not attempt to resolve in this letter.
    The concern we have with imposing position limits on publicly listed, passive, un-levered
    commodity funds is that the empirical evidence suggests that in doing so the Commission will not
    obtain a reduction in price volatili~. In fact, the Commission is more likely to create in increase in
    price volatility. Viewing the recent price movements in crude oil between 2007 to 2010, for example,
    the reports of the CFTC's own staff,
    the studies done by recognized energy market academics,
    and the data published by firms such as 0urs,
    make clear that financial investors in general, and
    commodity ETFs in particular, tended to be net sellers of crude oil futures contracts during the mid-
    2007 to mid-2008 run up in oil prices, were net buyers of contracts during the fall in oil prices
    between mid-2008 and early 2009, and have once again been net sellers in the more recent rise in
    crude oil prices between early 2009 and early 2010. If the Commission presumes that large scale
    buying and selling of futures contracts can directly influence the price of the spot commodity, which
    is itself a highly debated point, then the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the actions of
    commodity ETFs over the last three years have been to moderate volatility in crude oil prices, not
    increase it.
    By comparison, many of the claims made by proponents of position limits in general, and
    position limits on passive, non-levered investors in particular, lack any serious analysis to justify
    their claims. Typically the "data" that supports these claims consists of saying that on a particular
    date a fund did "A", and the markers or prices did "X", thus "proving" that the fund's action caused
    the described outcome. However, all the claims we have seen appear to have engaged in selective
    data cherry picking. They don't seem to mention that perhaps a month earlier than the above example
    the fund also did "A", but the market or prices did "Y", not "X." or that a Week after the fund did
    "A" the market or prices did "X" while the fund took no actions at all. Other common claims are
    rooted in this logical fallacy of confusing correlation with causality
    ("cure hoc ergopropter hod').
    A common claim of this sort is "Commodity prices rose over the last 5 years while passive
    :investments rose over the last 5 years. Ergo, passive investments caused commodity prices to
    rise." Leaving aside the statistical issue of "auto-correlation" in the example just cited, the
    CFTC's own staff rejected this claim in several of its reports as have studies by the commodity
    futures exchanges and many notable economists]
    ~ See, e.g.,
    Interagency Task Force on Commodity Markets (July 2008) ("Interagency Commodity Markets Study")
    and CFTC Trader Activity and Derivative Pricing (December 4, 2008) ("CFTC Pricing Study").
    ~2 See, e,g.,
    Philip K. Vedeger, Jr., Stephen Craig Pirrong, Dwight R. Sanders and Scott H. Irwin, among others.
    ~ See infra
    pp. 17-19 and accompanying notes.
    ~4 See supra
    notes 11-12.10-002
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    The foregoing is not to suggest that other types of major market participants have a similar
    effect on commodity prices. The data we have seen and cited refers to the impact on markets of
    publicly traded, passive, and un-levered commodity funds. We cannot comment on the usefulness of
    position limits on other types of market participants in regards to attempting to lower price volatility.
    However, we would note that the United Kingdom's financial markets regulator, the Financial
    Services Authority ("FSA"), recently cast serious doubts on the usefulness of position limits to
    moderate price volatility. In its white paper dated December 2009 and tiffed "Reforming OTC
    Derivatives Markets - AUK perspective" ("FSA White Paper"), the FSA stated the following:
    In any event, we do not believe a case has been made which demonstrates that
    prices of commodities, or other financial derivatives, can be effectively controlled
    through the mandatory operation of regulatory tools such as position limits,
    whether on exchange or OTC. Analysis of market data where position limits are
    already in use suggests that this has not shown a reduction in volatility or
    absolute price movements compared to contracts where they are not. Js
    We are unaware of any evidence or studies that would lead us to contradict the FSA's
    Price Setting.
    The fourth and final rationale'is to set prices at some level that the
    Commission determines is desirable.' However, the Commission, and the individual
    Commissioners, have made clear that they do not view their roll as that of a "price setting"
    agency. In addition, if you accept the conclusion of the FSA cited above, it appears that even an
    attempt to be a price setting body is destined to fail.
    For example, the managers of USCF believe that the prices of crude oil is determined
    primarily by the interplay of supply, demand, available inventory, the value of the U.S. dollar
    (the currency crude oil is priced in), and amount of spare production capacity that exists at any
    point in time. The CFTC's own studies, including the Interagency Commodity Markets Study
    and the CFTC Pricing Study, make clear that these fundamentals, not speculation, drove prices
    during the 2008 run-up in commodity prices, including not only crude oil and other commodities
    for which listed futures contracts exist but also for commodities for which no futures market
    In particular, we would encourage observers to study Figure 10 on page 56 of the CFTC
    Pricing Study. It makes very clear that at all times during 2007 and 2008 when oil prices were
    high that spare oil production capacity was essentially zero (the chart actually measures all spare
    capacity except for Saudi Arabia, however, published reports in early and mid 2008 suggest that
    ~ FSA White Paper, at chapter 9,10-002
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    essentially Saudi Arabia had little or no spare capacity at that time for light, sweet etude oil).
    Our own belief is that, regardless of CFTC or FSA actions, market fundamentals will determine
    prices. Should global crude oil spare capacity again approach zero in the near future we can
    foresee that oil prices will in fact once again rise to record levels. We do not foresee position
    limits having any meaningful impact on that possibility.
    b. "Look-Through" and Passive Investment Funds
    Even if the Commission believes that position limits on energy futures contracts would"
    have a positive effect on the financial energy markets, we question why the position limits in the
    Commission's Proposed Rule do not provide for a "look-through" to the actual investors in
    entities such as the Funds. This would be a more rational approach since it is the Funds'
    investors and not the Funds themselves that are in fact making the buy/sell decisions resulting in
    the purchase or sale of energy futures contracts. In this context, the Funds are "aggregators but
    not actors" from an investment standpoint. Placing limits on the futures contract positions
    owned by passive entities like the Funds will not curtail investor interest in the financial energy.
    markets. To the contrary, all available evidence points to growing investor interest in gaining
    exposure to these markets and that such investment provides a prudent means of balancing an
    investor portfolio. As a result, limiting the Funds' ability to meet investor demand for exposure
    to financial energy markets may force investors into less transparent mechanisms for hedging
    their commodity-related and other investment risks.
    As noted above, to our knowledge all publicly traded, passive, and un-levered energy
    commodity funds are registered under the 1934 Act. As such, any investor with large holdings of
    shares or units, in excess of 5% of a particular fund's outstanding shares, is required to notify the
    SEC, through a public filing, oflts ownership interest in the fund]
    Thus it would be very easy
    for the CFTC to monitor individuals or firms that invest indirectly through the funds into the
    commodity markets at very large levels. However, we would observe that we have rarely seen
    any such filings for any of our large funds. In the ease of USO for example, it has been almost
    four years since any investor filed a Form 13G indicating that it owned 5% or more of USO. At
    that time, USO was in fact quite small (assets ors10 million). As was pointed out during
    testimony by our firm during the August 2009 hearings by the CFTC on these topics, we believe
    that investors interested in taking very large positions in the commodity markets wouId typically
    not elect to use what is essentially a retail product. To be blunt, they are not willing to "p~y
    t6 See
    International Energy Agency Monthly Oil Report (May 13, 2008).
    t7 See
    i934 Act Rule 13-al. In addition, we note that institutional investment managers having investment
    discretion over accounts with securities valued at $100,000,000 are required to report each calendar quarter their
    equity holdings in such publicly traded funds.
    1934 Act Rule 13f-1. Finally, we note that the SEC recently
    proposed a role to require certain large traders to report aggregate trades above certain trading levels established by
    the SEC.
    SEC Release No. 34-619086 (April 14, 2010).10-002
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    retail" in terms of the cost of.using a fund such as ours versus directly buying futures contracts or
    over-the-counter ("OTC") swaps.
    If the CFTC wished to be able to see investors who hold sizable amounts of indirect
    exposure to the commodity futures markets via exchange traded funds, but were still under the
    5% limits, we believe that could be accomplished relatively easily with minimal costs to
    investors, exchanges, broker-dealers, or fund operators. The broker-dealers who buy and sell
    shares of exchange traded commodity funds for clients are already required to report the names
    and holdings of clients at the end of each year to those commodity funds that elect limited
    partnership tax treatment so that the funds may send out tax reporting statements (many, if not
    all, exchange traded commodity funds are partnerships for tax purposes). Thus the mechanism is
    already in place for surveillance on a once a year basis. If the CFTC wished to have more
    frequent reporting of ownership information, we believe
    likely would entail a discussion
    between the CFTC and the SEC. However, given the SEC's current reporting regime and
    proposal for large trader reporting noted above, such additional reporting is reasonably possible.
    Although broker-dealers are typica!ly required only to submit the holdings data of their clients to
    the funds for tax reporting purposes after the close of the calendar year, in fact the major broker-
    dealers report the data pretty much on a monthly basis already. As a result we think that creating
    a workable "look-through" system in real time would be doable using existing systems in place
    at the broker-dealers.
    c. "Reasonably Necessary" and Cost to the System
    As indicated above, we question the desirability of imposing position limits on previously
    regulated entities that are publicly listed, highly transparent, passive, un-levered commodity
    funds. We believe there are serious questions about the actual benefit that will be derived by
    such an approach. As such we do not see on what basis the Commission could conclude, that such
    actions " its judgment are reasonably necessary .... "
    Art observer might want to conclude that position limits are desirable because even if
    there is only a one in a thousand chance that passive, un-levered funds might pose a threat to the
    system then the additional regulation would be worthwhile. However, if that low of a threshold
    is the basis of the Commission's judgment we must point out that to be consistent
    Commission would have to impose position limits on every market participant, including
    physical participants, since the other categories of market participants all present greater risks
    than passive, u_n-levered ftmds. In fact, the UK's FSA specifically commented on this topic in the
    FSA White Paper, stating that the FSA did not believe that position limits should be imposed on
    one class of market participants but not imposed on other groups:
    In relation to controlling or limiting price movement, we have seen no evidence to
    suggest that one particular type of market participant has been solely responsible10-002
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    for systematically driving derivative market prices. As a result, we do not believe
    that limiting one class of market participant by imposing specific limits is a
    desirable or warranted response to the changing nature of derivative markets. Is
    At the same time, we believe there will be definite harm to the market and market
    participants if such a rule is imposed. Should the Proposed Rule be adopted, investors seeking
    access to these markets may choose any number of ways in which to avoid or circumvent the
    Commission's proposed position limits, including those discussed below. We believe that the
    harm to the financial commodity market and the related market participants resulting investor
    actions to avoid position limits can come in the following three ways:
    First, existing funds can themselves go to OTC and foreign markets to satisfy investor
    demand. Additionally, they may modify their investment objectives or benchmarks to avoid
    exceeding position limits. In any of these cases, investors will find themselves facing additional
    costs and risks. We believe the most prudent and efficient way for commodity ETFs to provide
    investors with access to the financial energy markets and to fulfill the funds' investment
    objectives is to buy and sell exchange traded energy futures contracts in the U.S. futures markets.
    To the extent that adoption of the proposed position limits causes these funds and others to turn
    to the OTC markets, investors will necessarily incur both additional costs and risks, including the
    First, with respect to the OTC markets there is the not insignificant cost of negotiating
    appropriate ISDA master agreements with multiple dealers.
    Second, OTC trades introduce counterparty credit risk
    the risk that the dealer could
    become insolvent and unable to fulfill its payment obligations) that must be addressed
    through supplementary credit support agreements with the respective dealer
    counterparties. Such risk is practically nonexistent when dealing directly in the regulated
    futures markets where the eounterparty is not a dealer but a regulated clearing entity.
    Third, there is the risk of premature termination of trades due to events affecting
    particular dealer counterparties.
    Fourth, there may be additional costs imposed by the dealer to the extent that the
    Commission's position limit rules limit the dealer's ability to hedge the OTC trade in the
    futures markets.
    Fifth, there will clearly be a cost imposed by the dealer for becoming a party (in effect
    another "middleman") to the Funds' investment transactions; absent the regulatory
    position limits there would likely be no reason why the Funds would enter into OTC
    transactions in order to meet their stated objectives.
    m FSA White Paper, at ehapler 9,10-002
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    To the extent that a commodity ETF makes use ofnon-U.S, futures contracts and futures
    exchanges, then the investors in such entity may face not only greater cost but also certain
    settlement, clearing, and currency risks that might be avoided by the use of listed U.S. futures
    contracts. Finally, to the extent that a commodity ETF changes its investment objective to
    accommodate these proposed regulations, it may be the ease that investors are denied the
    opportunity to invest in what they actually want, versus what regulators will permit them to have.
    Second, new funds can be created by new sponsors to tap investor demand that cannot be
    satisfied by the existing funds that may find themselves "limited out." In either case, the impact,
    if any, on participation in the energy futures markets will likely be the same as if the proposed
    limits were either abandoned or modified to provide a "look-through" to the existing funds'
    actual investors. As was stated before, exchange traded passive commodity funds are
    "aggregators, not actors." The actual actors, the hundreds of thousands of investors, will find
    another way to achieve their goals. It is indeed ironic that at a time when the Commission and
    other financial regulators are pressing to move trading from the OTC markets to the regulated
    futures markets in order to promote transparency and reduce systemic risk, the Commission
    would itself pursue a new regulation that will encourage migration of trading away from the
    regulated futures markets to the OTC and foreign markets.
    However, the outcome of a situation where the commodity ETF market goes from a
    model of one large, highly liquid commodity ETF in a particular segment along side several
    smaller, less liquid commodity ETFs, to a model that instead has several medium sized
    commodity ETFs will come with clear costs that will be borne both by the investors and by the
    commodity market itself. Empirical evidence shows that total liquidity for investors will drop
    and the cost of buying and selling their investments will go up. We believe this in turn will lead
    to an overall drop in liquidity seen on listed futures exchanges such as the New York Mercantile
    Exchange ('2qYMEX") and the ICE Futures ("ICE").
    To see how this might come about, we have included the following examples from the
    existing ETF markets that demonstrate how we reached our conclusions,19
    One of the largest equity ETFs in the world is the SPDR (ticker: SPY), which tracks the
    S&P 500. It has $73 billion in assets and trades approximately 200 million shares a day. Due to
    its size and volume, shares of SPY trade during the day at an average spread of 1 cent. However,
    there is another S&P 500 based ETF in the marketplace, the iShares S&P 500 Index Fund
    (ticker: IVV). IVV has $22 billion in assets at the present time, an amount equal to 28% of
    SPY's assets. However, IVV only trades 4 million shares a day, an amount equal to only 2% of
    SPY's volume. 1VV also typically trades at a wider bid/ask spread during the market day of 2
    Data for the following examples was derived from information publicly available on Bloornberg and NYSE
    Mr. David Stawick
    April 22, 2010
    Page 12
    cents. We would suggest that if for some reason regulatory action forced SPY to get smaller that
    other existing S&P 500 ETFs would become larger, and new S&P 500 ETFs would spring up, as
    investors moved into ETFs that could still accommodate their investments. However, we also
    believe that in that situation, the spread on these medium-sizedETFs would be higher than the
    current 1 cent spread of SPY. Assuming that the actual amount of shares trading remained
    constant, an extra 1 cent in spread would cost investors an extra $500 million a year in trading
    cost to achieve the same exposure they currently obtain from the very large SPY. That cost to
    investors would come with no apparent offsetting benefit to either the investors or the equity
    market in general.
    At the opposite spectrum from the highly liquid SPY we can view the situation in trading
    in European ETFs. The counterpart of the S&P 500 in Europe is the STOXX 50. Although the
    total market cap of the STOXX 50 is less than that of the S&P 500, the average market cap of its
    50 holdings is 3 times that of the average of the S&P 500. Thus one could expect that the cost of
    trading an ETF based on the STOXX 50 should be comparable to trading an ETF based on the
    S&P 500. However, due primarily to regulatory burdens in place, Europe does not have the same
    market structure of one very large and liquid STOXX 50 ETF along side several small STOXX
    50 ETFs. Instead, Europe has 4-5 medium sized STOXX 50 ETFs and 6-8 small STOXX 50
    ETFs. The result is that investors buying or selling STOXX ETFs face bid/ask spreads that are 6-
    8 cents wide, compared to the I cent bid/ask spread of SPY. Once again, multiplied over millions
    of shares traded daily the cost of regulatory balkanization amounts to hundreds of million Euros
    per year without any offsetting benefit to the investors or the markets themselves.
    Finally, in the U.S. energy commodity ETF market, we also have examples of the impact
    of size and liquidity on investor costs. Our fund, USO, is the largest crude oil commodity ETF in
    the U.S. It has, at present, assets of approximately $1.7 billion and trades an average of 1I
    million shares a day. There are in fact three other crude oil vehicles that have reasonable size,
    although all are much smaller than USO. The tickers of these other vehicles include DBO,
    and OIL.,
    DBO has assets of approximately $350 million and trades around 240,000 shares a day at
    a spread of 2-3 cents. USL has assets of approximately $155 million and trades around 75,000
    shares a day at a spread of 5-6 cents. OIL has assets of approximately $575 million and trades
    around 780,000 shares a day at a spread of 2-3 cents.
    It is true that in the case of DBO and USL, there are differences in their investment
    objectives and holdings compared to USO that may contribute to their lower volume and higher
    bid!ask spreads. However, OIL's investment objective is virtually the same as USO's. Although
    it has assets that are 32% of USO's, it trading volume is only 7% of USO's. Thus we believe that
    there is a scale effect where liquidity increases as funds grow larger, and it decreases as funds get
    Mr. David Stawick
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    Looking at the three examples above we think a reasonable observer would conclude that
    artificially restricting the size of exchange traded passive commodity pools could not only lead to
    a situation where the market will move from a dynamic of one large liquid player and several
    small players to a structure of several medium sized players, but that such a transition would be
    accompanied by a drop in aggregate liquidity and an increase in investors' costs. Using just USO
    and LING as examples, if those assets were redeployed into other exchange traded commodity
    vehicles such that we had several medium sized vehicles, and those vehicles traded at 3 cents
    instead of the current 1 cent bid!ask of the two large funds, the annual extra cost borne by these
    same investors would be $20 million. For this increase in cost there is no apparent benefit to
    investors or the market.
    However, as indicated above we think it likely that total aggregate volume of al!~ the
    medium sized funds is likely to decline compared to the current market structure (remember that
    OIL 0nly trades 7% of USO's volume although it has 32% of USO's asset size). As such we
    believe that the overall reduction in combined trading in these vehicles will in turn lead to a
    reduction in the use of listed eomrnodity futures by equity market makers. Equity market makers
    hedge their market making in commodity funds by buying/selling listed futures contracts.
    Assuming a 20%-30% drop in aggregate trading volume of crude oil ETFs under the "many
    medium sized ETFs, no big
    scenario, would almost certainly lead to a commensurate drop
    in the use of crude oil futures contracts by equity market makers. Thus there is likely to be a very
    real and not unnoticeable drop in liquidity in the crude oil futm'es market if the Proposed Rule is
    adopted. We are not able to estimate how much impact this will have on futures markets.
    However, we would encourage the Commissioners to discuss this scenario with the appropriate
    individuals at the listed futures exchanges.
    There is currently no reason to believe that adoption of the Proposed Rule will diminish
    the role of the Funds' investors in the regulated futures markets. If the Proposed Rule can be
    legally circumvented either by moving a portion of the business to the OTC markets (where
    dealers will in turn hedge their risk by buying and selling futures contracts), by encouraging the
    formation of new fund entities,

    or by direct participation in the futures markets by Fund
    investors, then there is simply no reason to believe that any possible harm currently posed by
    such investors to the regulated energy futures markets will be eliminated or even reduced. If
    there are sound economic reasons why the Funds' investors are currently eleeti'ng to participate
    in these markets, they will continue to do so even if the proposed position limits are adopted
    (albeit at perhaps greater cost and risk).
    s0 To the extent that adoption of the proposed rules encourages new entrants into the market, there will likely be
    duplication of costs. Although we do not seek protection of the Funds from future competition, we believe
    competition should be based on services provided to investors, not simply circumvention of arbitrary regu!atory
    position limits.10-002
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    April 22, 2010
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    If the Commission is not attempting to regulate the total amount of futures contracts held
    in aggregate by smaller investors or "speculators" (and based on comments by individual
    Commissioners we believe that is true), then to a degree we thirA the Commission's concerns
    about the particular size of any individual pass-through fund is somewhat misguided. It is a bit
    like baseball legend Yogi Berra's response when asked after he ordered a pizza if we wanted it
    cut into six slices. He is alleged to have answered, "Better cut it into four pieces, I am not hungry
    enough to eat six pieces." We all understand that if you are going to eat the entire pizza, it does
    not matter how many slices it is cut into by the person at the counter. Similarly, if individual
    investors are going to own 10%, 20%, or 30% percent of a particular commodity futures
    contract, it is not clear to us the actual regulatory benefit that is derived by limiting individual
    investors' choices when selecting the passive pass-through vehicle by which to achieve this level
    of exposure, although we can clearly see the extra costs to the investors and the marketplace.
    d. Issues of Aggregation
    We would further comment on the notion of aggregation when discussing position limits
    and publicly listed, passive, and un-levered commodity funds. If the Commission presumes that
    there is a benefit to the market for position limits, although we do not agree with that
    presumption, we still think there is no actual regulatory benefit when calculating the position
    limits to aggregating the holdings of separate publicly listed ftmds which happento own the
    same commodities, if in fact the funds are distinct and designed to track different benchmarks or
    investment objectives, merely because they have the same passive manager. We believe this
    position is logical because the case of a passive investment manager running two or more funds
    with separate investors and investment objectives is not comparable to an active manager with
    investment discretion running two or more funds. We think any position limit regulation should
    reflect that reality.
    As an example, assume that there are two separate listed commodity funds that both own
    futures contracts in commodity X. Both funds have different shareholders, different investment
    objectives or index benchmarks, and buy and sell independent of each other. However, in this
    example we will state they have the same passive manager whose job it is to run the funds
    according to their differing investment objectives. So the passive manager is not in the same
    situation as a hedge fund manager who runs two different hedge funds. The passive manager is
    "an aggregator, but not an actor." As stated before, for investment decision making purposes the
    "actors" are the thousands or hundred of thousands ofinvestoks.
    Further assume that each of this passive manager's cormnodity funds owas 60% of the
    appropriate position limit. If we had a situation where the CFTC indicated, due to aggregation,
    that the two funds could no longer own the number of contracts they have, a number of potential
    negative outcomes for the shareholders have been created that could lead to higher cost, greater10-002
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    April 22, 2010
    Page 15
    risks, or less desirable tracking of the investment objective or benchmark. Altematively in this
    scenario, the passive sponsor could just sell the management of the second fund to a competitor
    who has no exposure to commodity X. In'that situation we would have the same shareholders
    invested in the same passive benchmark or index and owning the same number of contracts as
    before. The buying and selling of futures contracts for the funds would be unchanged. All that
    would have happened is that the first passive sponsor was forced into a sale of a part of its
    business for non-economic reasons. But it is not clear how this benefits the market in general, or
    the regulators in particular, even if it is presumed that position limits are desirable. The "actors"
    and the holdings are unchanged.
    It is our belief that any aggregation of position limits as applied to passive investment
    pools needs to differentiate between two funds that have different shareholders and different
    investment objectives as compared with two funds that are merely identical clones of each other
    and were created solely to avoid position limits. In the first case we do not think aggregation is
    appropriate since it appears not to serve any useful regulatory purpose (except making the second
    passive sponsor happy). In the second example we think aggregation does make sense.
    e. Winners and Losers
    In recent articles and papers published by noted energy market economist, Prof. Phillip
    Verleger, ,he has postulated that the real beneficiary of the proposed position limits will be the
    Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ("OPEC"), not American end-users or
    However, based on our discussions with other market participants we would offer up
    another prime beneficiary: foreign exchanges. Although we would only reluctantly move away
    from primarily using listed futures on American exchanges, we are aware that many other major
    commodity market participants have no such reservations. Based on the comments by the FSA in
    the FSA White Paper, we can only surmise that they will not be joining the U.S. on the issue of
    position limits. Thus we think places like the U.K., Singapore, and China will look forward to
    taking over the U.S. capital markets dominance in energy and commodity trading like they did in
    EuroDollars and EuroBonds in the 1970's when the U.S. instituted trading restrictions on banks.
    At the same time, we clearly believe the losers should the position limits in the Proposed
    Rule be adopted will be the millions of investors in commodity ETFs who will face higher costs
    and risks, the U.S. futures exchanges who will face reduced volume, the commodity market in
    general which will see greater volatility, and the end-users who ultimately will pay more to the
    OPECs of the world.
    See, e.g.,
    Prof. Verleger's newsletter dated August 24, 2009.10-002
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    April 22, 2010
    Page 16
    III. Responses to CFTC Request for Comments
    The discussion below presents our responses to selected questions posed by the CFTC in
    the Proposed Rule. We first address Question 15, which is specificaIly directed at the operation
    of the Funds, and then respond to various other of the questions in the Proposed Rule.
    Question 15.
    Concerns have been raised about the impact of large, passive, and
    unleveraged long-only positions on the futures markets. Instead of using the futures markets for
    risk transference, traders that own such positions treat commodity futures contracts as distinct
    assets that can be held for an appreciable duration. This notice of rulemaking does not propose
    regulations that would categorize such positions for the purpose of applying different regulatory
    standards. Rather, the owners of such positions are treated as other investors that would be
    subject to the proposed speculative position limits.22
    The series of questions that follow are presumably directed to the activities of entities like
    the Funds. We believe that the suggestion that the Funds' investors somehow represent a new
    category of market participant overlooks the various reasons why people and institutions invest
    in the Funds. Energy prices effect every institution and every individual in our society, thus
    increased prices have implications for every business and every individual. We believe that it is
    more appropriate to characterize investments in the Funds as a hedge against the economic
    effects of higher energy costs rather than as "distinct assets that can be held for an appreciable
    duration." Investment in the Funds reduces the adverse impact of higher energy prices on our
    investors and, conversely, losses incurred on investments in the Funds when energy prices
    decline are generally offset by savings in actual energy costs, It is certainly possible for investors
    to purchase shares in the Funds for speculative purposes, but it is highly doubtful that any such
    investors would themselves exceed the Commission's proposed speculative position limits and
    we would welcome any efforts by the Commission to identify and regulate such individual
    Just as there is a clear rationale for exempting the hedging trangactions of commercial
    entities, we believe there is an equally compelling rationale for exempting the hedging
    transactions of non-commercial energy consumers. Before the advent of collective investment
    vehicles such as those presented by the Funds, there was simply no need to consider this issue
    because individual non-commercial energy consumers would never exceed speculative position
    limits. Indeed, we believe that if every investor in our Funds were to participate directly in the
    22 We note that this question refers to passive investments in "long-only positions" in futures contracts, but not to
    short-only positions that are similarly passive and unleveraged. Given the fact that there is both a long and a short
    side to each futures contract, we believe that short-only investments should be given the same treatment as long-only
    positions in futures contracts. The United States Short Oii Fund, LP, managed by USCF, is an example of an entity
    that makes passive, unleveraged short-only investments.10-002
    Mr. David Stawick
    April 22, 2010
    Page 17
    energy products traded on regulated markets there would be no thought given to trying to limit
    their aggregate positions. Given the passive nature of the Funds and the fact that Fund
    purchases/sales of futures contracts correlate directly to the investment decisions of individual
    investors, we do not believe that the investments of the Funds should be aggregated for purposed
    of any proposed position limits.
    Should the Commission propose regulations to limit the positions of passive
    No. The rationale set forth in the Proposed Rule does not apply to the positions in such
    contracts held by passive long (or short) traders such as the Funds. In the Proposed Rule, the
    Commission states that "[1]arge concentrated positions in the energy futures and option markets
    can potentially facilitate abrupt price movements and price distortions.
    Given that the
    positions of the Funds are generally passive (in that they increase or decrease only in response to
    additional investments in or withdrawal of assets from the Funds), it seems self-evident that they
    should not facilitate "abrupt price movements and price distortions." FuNaer, USCF has publicly
    disclosed data refuting any notion that the activities of its Funds cause sharp movements in or
    distortions of their relevant commodity markets. For example, a Form 8-K was filed with the
    Securities and Exchange Commission on July 24, 2009, showing that wide swings in the price of
    natural gas were not the result of the activities of LrNG.
    For example, data shows that during
    the run-up in natural gas prices during the time period of September 2007 and $5.50 per Million
    BTU ("mbtu"), to July 2008, and roughly $13.50 mbtu, UNG's holdings in natural gas futures
    contracts were essentially flat. UNG owned 8,093 contracts on September 7, 2007, and owned
    8,587 contracts on July 3, 2008. We do not believe that this data supports the notion that UNG's
    investing activities could have been a driving force behind the increase in natural gas prices over
    this time period. Indeed the evidence included in the July 24, 2009 Form 8-K suggests from
    data available to us that the Funds' activity in the market tends to curb price movements rather
    than exacerbate them; investment in the Funds tends to increase when prices are falling and
    decrease when prices are rising.
    USCF has also publicly disclosed information refuting charges that the large size of USO
    will lead to USO's trading activities distorting prices in the oil futures contract market. In a
    Form 8-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 4, 2010,
    management presented data after reviewing the history of creation and redemption orders since
    USO was listed in April of 2006 through the end of January 2010. During that time, USO
    processed creation and redemption orders on 705 different days. The average size of daily
    Proposed Rule, at 4148. 55515_8k.htm. 5 50/v
    Mr. David Stawick
    April 22, 2010
    Page 18
    creation or redemption orders received by USO led it to purchase or sell on average
    approximately 820 crude oil futures contracts. USO's management noted in its Form 8-K that in
    2009, the combined average number of light, sweet crude oil contracts traded
    each day
    on the
    NYMEX and ICE, exceeded 850,000 contracts. As a percentage of daily volume in the light,
    sweet crude oil futures market, USO's creation and redemption activity has averaged around
    1/10 of 1%.
    USO's management further reviewed the history of USO's creations and redemptions to
    determine the size of the transactions on the dates where USO had its greiatest amount of creation
    activity, and the greatest amount of redemption, activity, since its inception. USO's most active
    single day for creation activity occurred on January 28, 2009. That day's creation activities in
    turn led to an increase in the total number of USO units outstanding of 10.8%. Those creations
    resulted in the purchase of 7,451 light, sweet crude oil futures contracts by USO..However, on
    that date, the combined number of light, sweet crude oil futures contracts of the same contract
    month as purchased by USO that traded on NYMEX and ICE totaled over 38! ,000, Therefore,
    on the day during which USO had its largest amount of creation activity, USO's purchased
    futures contracts equal less than 2% of that day's volume in that one contract month. Stated
    another way, USO's selling activity that day was roughly equal to the amount of trading on
    NYMEX and ICE that occurred every 7 minutes.
    As highlighted in the Form 8-K referenced above, USO's redemption activity has a
    similarly minimal market impact when viewed both from a daily average and largest single
    trading day perspective. Thus objective data supports the notion that merely having large
    passive funds active in the financial commodity markets does not cause price distortion, because
    these funds represent only a small fraction of the total trading in such markets.
    Allegations have also been made to suggest that large passive investment vehicles like
    the Funds cause price distortion in the financial commodity markets when they "roll" their
    positions in near month futures contracts into next (or other) month contracts on a predetermined
    basis in order to meet their investment objectives. USO publicly refuted this charge with data
    provided in a Form 8-K filed with the SEC on January 28, 2010, which is described below.
    As explained in the aforementioned Form 8-K, since the end-of-day settlement prices of
    the futures contracts for light, sweet crude oil as well as USO's daily holdings and roll schedule
    are all publicly available, USO's management was able to determine what the price spreads were
    immediately prior to USO's roll, what they were during the roll and what they were immediately
    after the roll was concluded. Since the crude oil futures market was in contango throughout
    2009, ifUSO's rolls were affecting the prices of crude oil futures contracts, one would expect
    26 http://www, 172435_8k.htm.10-002
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    that the price spreads would have widened as a result of each monthly roll. However, as shown
    below, this was not the case. Instead, the price spreads actually narrowed half the time.
    The table below measures the changes in the spread during 2009 in two fashions. The
    first compares the price spread between the nearest month to expiration contract and the next
    nearest month to expiration contract on the last day before USO's roll began and compares it to
    the average price spread during USO's roll. The second measurement compares the average price
    spread between the nearest month to expiration contract and the next nearest month to expiration
    contract on the four days before USO's roll began and compares it to the aver.age price spread
    during USO's roll.
    Price, Spread Widened
    Price Spread Narrowed
    In addition, on five 0fthe six occasions where the price spread widened between the last
    day prior to the roll and the roll itself, the price spread was still wider even after USO's roll was
    over. On five of the seven occasions where the price spread widened between the average of the
    four prior days and the roll itself, the price spread was also still wider after USO's roll was
    complete. USO's management believes that this suggests that other factors, such as inventory
    storage buildups, were at play in determining the price spread both before, during, and after
    USO's roll period, and that empirical data supports the fact that USO's activities have not
    systematically and predicatively caused changes in the spread between the price of nearest month
    to expiration and the next nearest month to expiration crude oil futures contracts as some have
    Finally, the Commission also stated, as a rationale for the Proposed Rule, that
    "[c]oncentratior~ of large positions in one or a few traders' accounts can also create the
    unwarranted appearance of appreciable liquidity and market depth. Trading under such
    conditions can result in greater volatility than would otherwise prevail if traders' positions were
    more evenly distributed among market participants." 27 Again, these concerns do not apply to the
    Funds' investments in energy futures. First, the Funds' participation in the markets is fully
    transparent, with the trading positions of each Fund publicly accessible on their websites.
    Anyone trading in these markets has the opportunity to know about the extent of the Funds'
    positions and on what basis they trade. Second, as previously discussed, the Funds are passive
    participants and only enter the market to buy or sell futures based on the investment decisions of
    the owners of the Funds. Thus, from a volatility perspective, the trading activitie
    of the Funds
    are effectively "distributed among market participants," i.e., the Funds' hundreds of thousands of
    Proposed Rule, at 4149.10-002
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    Page 20
    If so, what criteria should the Commission employ to identify and define such
    traders and positions?
    As noted above, we do not believe that the Commission should limit the positions of
    passive long (or short) traders, but rather that these traders should be exempted from any position
    limits adopted by the Commission. In determining which entities should be provided with
    exemptions from position limits, the Commission should employ factors similar to those it
    previously used in providing no-action relief to certain index-based funds from position limits on
    agricultural products.
    These factors include the following key elements:
    The futures trading activity passively tracks a widely recognized commodity
    The futures trading activity is unleveraged.
    Both the commodity benchmark and the fund are highly transparent.
    (iv) .
    The futures trading does not result in price exposure for the fund.
    Applying these factors would ensure that all exempted entities would be acting in a way that
    would not.negatively affect the tinaneial energy markets and also provide appropriate safeguards
    to inform and protect potential investors.
    Assuming that passive long traders can properly be identified and defined, how
    and to what extent should the Commission limit their participation in the futures
    The Commission should not limit the participation of publicly traded and regulated
    passive long (or short) traders like the Funds, but rather continue to monitor these market
    participants and possibly take additional steps to ensure that investors are not utilizing these
    entities to avoid speculative position limits, Such steps might include reporting requirements for
    individual investors in the Funds beyond those required by the SEC and the exchange to ensure
    that their individual positions do not rise above any position limits that are adopted.
    If passive long positions should be limited in the aggregate, would it be feasible
    for the Commission to apportion market space amongst various traders that wish
    to establish passive long positions?
    2~ CFTC Letter 06-09 (April 19, 2006);
    Letter 06-19 (September 6, 2006).10-002
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    April 22, 2010
    Page 21
    ks noted above, we see no reason why these positions should be limited in the aggregate
    unless, on a look through basis, an individual investor has positions in excess of the speculative
    position limits.
    What unintended consequences are likely to result from the Comtnission's
    implementation of passive long position limits?
    As previously discussed, we have no reason to believe that investor interest in the
    financial energy markets is likely to be curtailed by the Commission's Proposed Rule on position
    limits. To the contrary, all the evidence points to growin~ investor interest in gaining exposure
    to these markets. Moreover, there are any number of ways in which the Commission's proposed
    position limits can be avoided or circumvented by investors seeking access to these markets,
    including the use of OTC and foreign markets, and the creation of additional funds created by
    new sponsors to tap investor demand that cannot be satisfied by the existing funds. In either
    case, the impact, if any, on participation in the energy futures markets will likely be the same as
    if the proposed limits were either abandoned or modified to provide a "look-through" to the
    actual investors of passive funds. As a. result of the foregoing, the Commission's Proposed Rule
    may directly cause the migration of trading away from our regulated futures markets to the OTC
    and foreign markets. This migration would be in direct opposition to the Commission and other
    financial regulators' efforts to move trading from the OTC markets to the regulated futures
    markets in,order to promote transparency and reduce systemic risk.
    Question 1.
    Are Federal speculative position limits for energy contracts traded on
    reporting markets necessary to "diminish, eliminate, or prevent" the burdens on interstate
    comrnerce that may result from position concentrations in such contracts?
    Whatever the case may be for imposing speculative position limits for energy contracts
    traded on reporting markets for market participants who are active managers of financial
    investments, or who are financial intermediaries such as swap desks, or who are producers/end-
    users/physical traders of the underlying commodities, the case has not be made that such limits
    should be imposed on passive, un-levered, exchange traded pass-through vehicles such as the
    Funds. The Funds are passively managed and employ a "neutral" investment strategy intended
    to track changes in the price of a benchmark commodity regardless of whether the price goes up
    or down. Thus, the Funds themselves do not engage in speculative activities in the futures
    markets. Certain of the Funds' investors may indeed be motivated by the desire to speculate on
    the price of the respective commodities; however, other investors no doubt participate in order to
    hedge their commodity price risk exposure. Any Commission rule regarding speculative limits
    should look through the Funds to their respective investors in determining whether positions
    limits should apply. Otherwise, the Commission will potentially penalize hundreds of thousands
    of investors who have no speculative intent and are merely seeking to hedge their commodity
    exposures in a commercially efficient manner.10-002
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    April 22, 2010
    Page 22
    .Question 2.
    Are there methods other than Federal speculative position limits that should
    be diminish, eliminate, or prevent the burdens?
    Yes. The Funds are "passive" investors in futures contracts and only increase or decrease
    their participation in the futures markets based on purchases or sales of Fund units.
    The Funds
    do not seek to "profit" from either increases or decreases in commodity prices and thus do not
    pose the risks presented by speculators seeking to time market movements. It has been alleged
    that the Funds large presence in the futures markets creates inappropriate market disruptions as a
    result of the Funds' need to regularly roll their futures investments from the current month's
    contract to the following month's contract in order to achieve their investment objectives. This
    is accomplished in a transparent manner with the Funds publishing their planned roils on their
    website. As rationale for the Proposed Rule, the Commission stated that "[1large concentrated
    positions in the energy futures and option markets can potentially facilitate abrupt price
    movements and price distortions.
    The data provided in USO's Form 8-K dated January 28,
    2010, discussed above, refutes this claim and conforms with the fact that we have seen no
    evidence that the Funds' large positions facilitated "abrupt price movements" or "price
    distortions." However, we believe that the Commission should continue to examine the impact,
    if any, of the Funds' market activity during the roll periods to determine whether any additionaI
    steps could be taken to make those activities even more transparent and assure the Commission
    that there is indeed no adverse market impact. Additionally, as previously noted, we support any
    efforts by the Commission to regulate the positions .of individual investors in entities such as the
    Funds in order to ensure that individual investors do not exceed any adopted position limits.
    Question 3.
    How should the Commission evaluate the potential effect of Federal
    speculative position limits on the liquidity, market efficiency and price discovery capabilities of
    referenced energy contracts in determining whether to establish position limits for such
    con tracts ?
    We strongly believe that the Commission should seek to determine on both a qualitative
    and quantitative basis how Federal speculative position limits could adversely affect the ability
    of investors to participate in our regulated futures markets. From our perspective, this is an
    essential question of "market efficiency." As previously noted, we question whether the
    29 The Funds only buy or sell futures in response to actions by their investors. In this sense, the Funds' situation is
    analogous to that of mutual funds, commodity pool operators and commodity trading advisors that are "eligible
    entities" under CFTC Regulation § 151.1(e). The existing regulations exempt the positigns of these entities from
    position limits because "the account controllers for these positions are acting independently." Proposed Rule, at
    4149-4!50. The exemption is limited by the requirement that "the overall positions held or controlled by each such
    independent account controller may not exceed the [specified limits]..." CFTC Regulation § 150.3(a)(4). We
    believe the same "independent account controller" "look-through" principles should apply to the Funds.
    3o Proposed Rule, at 4148.10-002
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    April 22, 2010
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    activities of the Funds should properly be covered by "speculative" position limits. The growth
    of the Funds in recent years attests to the interest of a very wide spectrum of investors in the cost
    efficient mechanism offered by the Funds for gaining exposure to market energy prices. For the
    most part, we believe that exposure is intended to hedge the energy price exposure that they face
    in meeting their daily business and/or individual investments or energy needs. To characterize
    the Funds' investors as speculators is, in our view, a mischaracterization of the primary motive
    for investment in the Funds. To the extent that new Federal speculative position limits will
    preclude the Funds from accepting new business or cause potential Fund investors to incur
    additional costs and expense and thus become less efficient, these investors will be harmed. We
    believe it is incumbent upon the Commission to assess this harm to "market efficiency" in
    deciding whether they outweigh any supposed benefits to be derived from imposing new Federal
    speculative limits.
    Question 8.
    Proposed regulation 151,3(a)(2) would establish a swap dealer risk
    management exemption whereby swap dealers would be granted a position limit exemption for
    positions that are hem to offset risks associated with customer initiated swap agreements that
    are linked to a referenced energy contract but that do not qualify as bona fide hedge positions.
    The swap dealer risk management exemption would be capped at twice the size of any otherwise
    applicable all-months-combined or single non-spot-month position limit. The Commission seeks
    comment on any alternatives to this proposed approach. The Commission seeks particular
    comment on the feasibility of a "look-through" exemption for swap dealers such that dealers
    wouM receive exemptions for positions offsetting risks resulting from swap agreements opposite
    eounterparties who wouM have been entitled to a hedge exemption if they had hedged their
    exposure directly in the futures markets, How viable is such an approach given the Commission's
    lack of regulatory authority over the OTC swap markets?
    The Funds do not support the Commission's proposal to establish a new swap dealer risk
    management exemption. This proposal seems mere window dressing on the more fundamental
    decision to preclude swap dealers from relying upon the existing bona fide hedging exemption
    and represents a back-door effort to curtail the OTC market for energy transactions. The
    proposed prohibition on swap dealers holding any speculative positions while relying on the
    swap dealers exemption seems particular onerous, particularly given the Commission's proposed
    rules regarding aggregation of positions.
    However, to the extent that the Commission is acknowledging that there should be a
    "look-through" exemption for entities like the deaIers that are merely holding futures positions to
    hedge positions taken with their customers and the decision as to whether to buy or sell such
    positions effectively rests with those customers, such an exemption may be appropriate
    ,Question 13, The
    Commission notes that Congress is currently considering legislation
    that would revise the Co~nmission's section 4a(a) position limit authority to extend beyond10-002
    Mr. David Stawick
    April 22, 2010
    Page 24
    positions in reporting market contracts to reach positions in OTC derivative instruments and
    FBOT contracts. Under some of these revisions, the.Commission would be authorized to set
    limits for positions he.ld in OTC derivative instruments and FBOT contracts, The Commission
    seeks comment On how it should take this pending legislation into accouht in proposing Federal
    speculative position limits.
    'In light of the pendirig legislation dealing with the Commission's authority to establish[ve position limits, we believe it would be in the. public interest to defer action on the
    c ,urren¢ Proposed Rule until Congress .enacts new regulatory reform legislation. As'noted
    prer~ioUsly, .one 'likely. ~onsequence of adopting the e.urr~nt proposal would be toencourage
    market.participants to either move trades fromregulated. U.S. the OTC markets or
    FBOT e0iatr~iet.s. Given. the widely held view that systemic riskis reduced where trading occurs
    On regialated exchanges and trades are Clearedby central elearingentitiesl it does not seem
    appropriate gt this time to adopt these new rules,
    IV. Conclusio~
    We appreciate the Commission's efforts lo ensu)e well-regulated, transparent energy
    marketS. However, We do not believethat theProposed Rule will further the Commission's
    efforts in this area. In fact, the unintended consequences of the Proposed Rule may lead to even
    less transparency and more risk for investorsin energy markets, If the Commission
    does eho0setOmove .forward with the Pro'posed Rule, we strongly urge the Commission to add
    in provisions that would, exempt passive, unleveraged .investors such as the Funds from any
    position.limits ~at are adopted, and instead lake a "look-through" approach in order to regulate
    the positions of individual investors in.the.Funds, In this way, the Commission can ensure that
    .all investors have safe, transparent, and cost-effective access to the hedging benefits provided by
    .the financial energy markets, without forcing such investors into more costly, less-transparent
    ¯ OTC .or foreign futures markets.
    Nicholas D. Gerber
    Chief Executive Officer
    United States Commodity Funds LLC