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Comments for Industry Filing 16-002

Industry Filing  16-002

Requesting Public Comment on a Rule Amendment Certification Filing by ICE Futures U.S.

The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is requesting public comments on a rule amendment certification filing by ICE Futures U.S. which would clarify that parties to a block trade may engage in pre-hedging or anticipatory hedging of the position that they believe in good faith will result from the consummation of the block trade, except for an intermediary that takes the opposite side of its own customer order.

Open Date: 6/14/2016
Closing Date: 7/14/2016
Extended Date: 7/29/2016
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Date ReceivedReleaseFirst NameLast NameOrganizationEdit
06/15/201616-002MikeChauIG Markets limited
07/29/201616-002JenniferOliverOliver Family Futures
07/29/201616-002JoannaMallersFIA PTG
07/29/201616-002PhillipLookadooInternational Energy Credit Association
07/29/201616-002DavidMcIndoeSutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP on behalf of The Commercial Energy Working Group
07/29/201616-002KevinBattehCommodity Markets Council
07/29/201616-002ArushiSharma FrankElectric Power Supply Association