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Comments for Industry Filing IF 12-005

Industry Filing  IF 12-005

Request from NYPC for Order Permitting Cross Margining for Market Professionals

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commission) is requesting public comment on a petition submitted by New York Portfolio Clearing, LLC (NYPC), a registered derivatives clearing organization, for an order pursuant to Section 4d(a)(2) of the Commodity Exchange Act (Act).  The petition requests an order that would permit NYPC to expand its existing one-pot cross-margining program with Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC) to include positions and related money, securities and property held by NYPC clearing members and clearing members of FICC’s Government Securities Division for participating “market professionals.”

Open Date: 3/23/2012
Closing Date: 4/23/2012
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Date ReceivedReleaseFirst NameLast NameOrganizationEdit
04/17/2012IF 12-005DonaldWilson, Jr.DRW Trading Group
04/23/2012IF 12-005GaryDeWaalNewedge USA, LLC
04/23/2012IF 12-005AdamCooperCitadel LLC
04/23/2012IF 12-005ElizabethKingGETCO LLC